Advice please


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Advice please
Advice please
Advice please
Advice please
Advice please
Hi all need some advice on a repair job on a travel lodge I have been asked to quote, to me I would say its a thin coat render on phenolic insulation which is 270mm deep only I cant see any sign of a base coat if you look at the pics all I can see is what looks like a top coat over mesh.
the client wants all of the top coat taken back to the insulation and new mesh and top coat.
not sure if I can get all of it off until I get close up but I am going to suggest a base coat,mesh then a silicone top coat unless any one can come up with another way I could do this.
at the moment taking off the insulation is not an option any advice or solutions would help me no end apparently its been leaking for 2 years + theres work to do inside too dot and dab with a tape and joint finish its the first time i have been asked to repair ewi done plenty of new installation using weatherby/rockwool systems.thanks in advance for your advice.
you could mesh the elevation. pin through the existing maybe then top. bud write a clause that no guarentees as you are only as good as the existing
dan are you saying scrape off the loose clean off algae dub out to existing with base coat pin mesh all over then base coat primer then top coat i have been wondering if i could get away with that rather than try and pull off all of the existing will put some kind of clause in there too thanks much appreciated
dan are you saying scrape off the loose clean off algae dub out to existing with base coat pin mesh all over then base coat primer then top coat i have been wondering if i could get away with that rather than try and pull off all of the existing will put some kind of clause in there too thanks much appreciated
loose stuff off. level with base coat. then base coat with mesh. pinn it. slurry then top
Get a spec mate, put in a stomping high price, no one else will take this on.
thanks i thought about that too but don't want to price myself out of contention
as i would like to see if i could repair it to a reasonable standard for future work.
ask if they know what system was used and go from there
already done that they are a maintenance company who look after the building and they don't have a clue so i,ll be using the cheapest base coat and top coat i can buy i worked with some Bulgarians not so long ago and we used rajasil ugp base and ceresit top coat anyone remember BASF tapes well they do EWI products and have done for years it all comes from Europe so long as it works i,ll use it.
will do flynny thanks for your input
I guarantee you can come up with a price, double it then double it again and even double it again and you will get it. The simple reason is they don't give a f**k who does it,they just need to find someone daft enough to take it on because the guy before will be liable. Stay away because this must be going through the courts co someone is liable and don't be surprised when you get pulled in to be part of it that they have also tripled your price.
already done that they are a maintenance company who look after the building and they don't have a clue so i,ll be using the cheapest base coat and top coat i can buy i worked with some Bulgarians not so long ago and we used rajasil ugp base and ceresit top coat anyone remember BASF tapes well they do EWI products and have done for years it all comes from Europe so long as it works i,ll use it.
Maybe that's why it got f**k*d up in the first place?
Entire system has failed. Architect will have specced the wall build up and the applicator who will have been the cheapest bidder will have probably cocked up his quote and looked for cost "efficiencies" once he was contractually obliged to complete.

Ergo, complete fooking minefield best not touched with a bargepole unless the client wants a complete strip off of the entire system and starts again.
Entire system has failed. Architect will have specced the wall build up and the applicator who will have been the cheapest bidder will have probably cocked up his quote and looked for cost "efficiencies" once he was contractually obliged to complete.

Ergo, complete fooking minefield best not touched with a bargepole unless the client wants a complete strip off of the entire system and starts again.
I would tread carefully.I;d imagine its a 60-90 day payment period,plus there may be retention money involved,which may mean you have to return 1 year on and repair/make good defects so in reality I would kiss that part goodbye.As mentioned by others,I would go in high.I trust you have a good contact regarding payment? and not someone faceless at the end of the phone?
at end of the day its a job that needs doing. weve all repaired. / gone over someone elses work. everyone is right no one will touch or warrant. so down to contractor to decide how far they go.aslong as you state no warranty over existing system i dont see the problem
I have put it in writing about warranty and the reply was we need to repair and only interested in getting the work done as its an eye sore being on a high street in full view of the public I have put forward a way of doing the work thanks to dansouthcoast84 advice if the insulation is too damaged then I have said maybe best to strip back and start again but wont really know until scaffolding is up and we all get up close for a proper look.