Steve Brown
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    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to S a plastering's post in the thread Job opportunity with Like Like.
      I love cash love fukin counting it also gives me a sense of achievement when it's in my pocket an not goin to dingy rowing f**k*r in a...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread A mesh question.
      Looks like it's a mixture of bonding and something else adhesive possibly? It hasn't been beaded up on the corner, are you sure he's...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread Job opportunity.
      Convenient but not for me, cash in hand is or should I say was my preference. Cash is a rarity now since the demise of high street bank...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread Job opportunity.
      Already done with high street Bank branches, Hate online banking and even worse if you want to speak to anyone. Lost confidence with...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to John j's post in the thread Bad news with Sad Sad.
      First thing cop said was there any racial issues to robbery
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to Smudger1's post in the thread Bad news with Funny Funny.
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread Bad news.
      It's because the law deters us from helping now, by intervening it will probably end in contact and injuries, it's easier for the police...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to Topspread16's post in the thread Bad news with Like Like.
      Gavin will probably get his watch back as it was stolen. Should have kept it and changed his name to gavin. Oh what good it would be to...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to John j's post in the thread Bad news with Angry Angry.
      Had van robbed other night . Everything I owned in last 20 odd years since I started was in. ( blame builder if his job was ready stuff...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to Lastlaff's post in the thread New Tools to buy? And more with Like Like.
      New Kraft margin, the old Kraft one must be 15 year old now. I recon I use one every day - that must have earned some £££
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread New Tools to buy? And more.
      Tried few different methods, ct1 pboard in Web dab out from there, 3" x 2" or 4" x 2" same as roof batten method, but I find roof...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread E bike.
      Foĺow John's lead, loads of blokes have shelled out on top of the range Ebikes only to ride them a couple of times then gather dust. Get...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread New Tools to buy? And more.
      It's a great idea, but i set my noggins at 400mm centres and £3:50 each that's going to cost a few quid. Like it but I'll stick to using...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to Stewie03's post in the thread New Tools to buy? And more with Agree Agree.
      Better than tapit tape
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread External House Issue.
      I was describing 2 options; 1. Completely removing existing, reinstalling new with modern materials/ system. Expensive but will out...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread Wales.
      Yes mate did two stints just over 4 years with Para Reg, regretted leaving then rather than swallowing my pride and re joining I joined...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread Wales.
      Wankers! hopefully they don't drop litter, that's my pet hate.
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread External House Issue.
      To renew whole bay will be expensive but best option. If the existing is sound just trim back damage area then fit new building paper/...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown replied to the thread Wales.
      Pen y Fan.
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to Stewie03's post in the thread Hello Fellas with Funny Funny.
      Piss off
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to essexandy's post in the thread Retirement with Like Like.
      Or maybe you're better off not retiring at all? I've known a few guys over the years who've died shortly after retiring and have...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to spread95's post in the thread Retirement with Like Like.
      If it makes me money or saves me tax, happy to take advice from anyone
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to hector's post in the thread Retirement with Sad Sad.
      cousin has lived in usa for past 40 years, retired , and ian and val , decided to drive from new york to san francisco where they...
    • Steve Brown
      Steve Brown reacted to spread95's post in the thread Retirement with Agree Agree.
      Bad luck. But just goes to show you should retire as soon as you can.
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