Rendering over painted render

John j

Mono Don
After speaking to rendit they said parex do a product that burns through the paint and keys to the render underneath.. but said if I then use k rend on top it wont have warranty.

Best way to tackle this as customer not wanting to take the old render of
You tell them if the render needs to come off, I never go over paint. I get it blasted off. Try at least to get old render off or back to the scratch and knock pockets in it.
After speaking to rendit they said parex do a product that burns through the paint and keys to the render underneath.. but said if I then use k rend on top it wont have warranty.

Best way to tackle this as customer not wanting to take the old render of
Won’t work if the paint is oil based
He says it's not oil base . So if I used the stuff from parex is that guaranteed to work .

we have used parinter on painted render with no problems. i don't think anyone will guarantee your application.
parinter has not got a british standard kite mark, so builders merchants will not stock it.
the titanic was up to british standard and you remember what happened to that !
This is job . Round front main bit of painted render but cant get a puck for scaffold. I.m actually looking forward to this
Rendering over painted render
Nothing wrong with going over paint as long as you use the right product, and the painted substrate is of sound condition.
Only my opinion which means nothing but if that was my job I’d Bosch breaker it off you think parex would come help you if it dropped off ? No way, would they f**k
Why Bosch breaker you wouldn't happen to have a new one would you lol. Going with @Rossi46 advice bang some on and see if it's still there after a few days before top coat
Only my opinion which means nothing but if that was my job I’d Bosch breaker it off you think parex would come help you if it dropped off ? No way, would they f**k
Bit of a daft way of looking at it that. you could say that about most products, as long as your clued up and know the substrates and know the products.
You love the Turkish render Geezer don’t ya!! Lol
Mate if I could work for these all time I would . Not had one prob with em . Even when they joked bout putting us in meat grinder .
Went with little legs other day and kid I mainly deal with took him in shop and let him get some sweets .
Better then all pretend builders worked for.
Did a job for one other day. Put good price in cause I dont like him . Told him day and half or a long day.
Got done early so he tried it on. Told him if we went over would you give us extra. Some of stuff wasnt ready sonwe had to do bit extra as well.
Gets home and gets a text. Top reveal lad did is a mile out. I said it's your boarding .
Mo it's not that beeds bang on. I said beed might be but boards not . I.m on way back now.
Gets back he.s adamant lads put skim on about 10mm . I said right i.ll get Stanley and i bet after 2 mm of skim we hit board. Ok ok go on then c**t says.( at this point i was praying i was right)
Took 2 mm off and there was his boarding. Ohhh yeah i.m sure that was spot on so what do i need to do know . I just said stop playing f**k**g plasterer .
Rendering over painted render
Rendering over painted render
no problem over paint if u have the right materials. That's bauprotec RHS as a bace coat 1 bag. And 2 begs of bauprotec 850m ocr as a top coat. That wall was cracked like f**k. It's my father in laws garden walls. Doing it for free lol just because I love it
we have used parinter on painted render with no problems. i don't think anyone will guarantee your application.
parinter has not got a british standard kite mark, so builders merchants will not stock it.
the titanic was up to british standard and you remember what happened to that !
Every parex stockists keeps parinter ?? It has the correct BBAs
we have used parinter on painted render with no problems. i don't think anyone will guarantee your application.
parinter has not got a british standard kite mark, so builders merchants will not stock it.
the titanic was up to british standard and you remember what happened to that !
Travis stock it Malc.
Travis stock it Malc.

Penlaws was our main stockist, i went to give them an order and i was told they were not stocking it again as it did not have a british standard.
I phoned Parex and i was told Travis would be the new stockist. i went into Travis to give them an order, i was told a Parex rep called and asked if we would stock it , we said 'if we have any call for it' you are the first person to ask about it and we know nothing about their material.
we have been purchasing it from rendit in Doncaster.