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    • Vincey
      Best bet would be to go live on fb when he’s back tell us all then we can tune in to see if he’s doing it ok or not
    • Vincey
      Vincey replied to the thread Parex Monoblanco BL10 stain.
      Probably not enough over hang of the window sill, it looks really tight recommended normally 40mm I’d try Monty’s miracle cleaner on it...
    • Vincey
      Vincey replied to the thread Mental health and depression.
      I lost the plot on a job few years ago you know when you drill the plug hole and you know it wasn’t deep enough for when the screw goes...
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to Salfordspread's post in the thread Pricing up with Like Like.
      What a load of b*ll***s . Free food when I did domestics the ignorant c**ts wouldn't even brew up half the time ha ha
    • Vincey
      Vincey replied to the thread Pricing up.
      We do domestic find it’s always good to offer a discount for free food , most of the times they end up paying the original price and...
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