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    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to Mr White 1's post in the thread Job opportunity with Like Like.
      It is a mine field and not worth the hassle. I’ve been into local colleges & skills centres and done demo days in front of 10-15 lads...
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to KingCharlesTheTurd's post in the thread Kirks Pink with Agree Agree.
      fkin loada bollox this fat 2 min tiktok ego skimmer taking you all for cuntzzzz, just buys SBR in bulk n puts pink dye in it and passes...
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to Casper's post in the thread Job opportunity with Like Like.
      Exactly what I’m doing. Apart from the retire bit lol
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to Rossi46's post in the thread Job opportunity with Like Like.
      Render is brutal alone though mate as you know, and almost impossible in some situations.
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to paulf's post in the thread Job opportunity with Like Like.
      Onwards and upwards @Vincey ,somethings don't work out, but you went for it and all respect for having done it.
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to algeeman's post in the thread Job opportunity with Friendly Friendly.
      il give you a job mate :chica:
    • Vincey
      Vincey replied to the thread Job opportunity.
      Better update this thread I’ve decided to stay on my own until I retire now without seeming to be to negative about training someone...
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to Rossi46's post in the thread Job opportunity with Like Like.
      Employing is becoming a real issue as minimum wage creeps up, it makes it difficult to get lads going. Next April minimum wage is £100...
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to MC1945's post in the thread Ritmo M with Like Like.
      Hi,really sorry for the delay,i thought i would get automatic notifications but obviously dont ! I have alot of accessories from the...
    • Vincey
      Vincey replied to the thread Doing up our house!.
      How much was the course you did ? For the two weekends ?
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to Tinytom's post in the thread Job opportunity with Like Like.
      Good o Good on you, can’t be doing with them myself. Been on my own since Xmas apart from 1 job where I got another spread in to help
    • Vincey
      Vincey reacted to FreeD's post in the thread Scaffolding - dementia with Like Like.
      Amount of times I've hit my head...anyone else worried? Someone should develop some kind of foam bolt cover.
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