Please could someone kindly..

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Ugh nothing. Just hot n bothered and boarding a ceiling that should be finished by now but it’s high and bowed and I’m swerving round trying to keep it in place and reach the board pumps and then they fall over and I start again! Feckin feckin feckin...... just being whiny!! :muyenojado:
I have noticed a fair bit of whining coming from you of late and agreeing with someone that disagreed with me I’ve never heard of such behaviour from you
Ugh nothing. Just hot n bothered and boarding a ceiling that should be finished by now but it’s high and bowed and I’m swerving round trying to keep it in place and reach the board pumps and then they fall over and I start again! Feckin feckin feckin...... just being whiny!! :muyenojado:

Hate days like that. I just have a tantrum
Time for motherhood jess
I’m not ready to traumatise another human being! Plus I was at my mates yesterday who has twin boys just trying to crawl. She left me with them for 5mins. One crawled up me and puked all over me, absolutely stunk I got tears in my eyes! Meanwhile the other one twisted himself into a pretzel on the floor, got stuck and started crying. I didn’t have enough hands to deal with it whilst heaving through the smell.... I had a full on panic!

And twins run in my family so ... :frio:
I’m not ready to traumatise another human being! Plus I was at my mates yesterday who has twin boys just trying to crawl. She left me with them for 5mins. One crawled up me and puked all over me, absolutely stunk I got tears in my eyes! Meanwhile the other one twisted himself into a pretzel on the floor, got stuck and started crying. I didn’t have enough hands to deal with it whilst heaving through the smell.... I had a full on panic!

And twins run in my family so ... :frio:

I get that. Guaranteed if I watch a child for five minutes they'll set themselves on fire or something and be crying when the parents come back.

It usually goes better with dogs. I'm a good dog-sitter, me.
I get that. Guaranteed if I watch a child for five minutes they'll set themselves on fire or something and be crying when the parents come back.

It usually goes better with dogs. I'm a good dog-sitter, me.
The idea of having a goldfish seems mithersome to me!
I’m not ready to traumatise another human being! Plus I was at my mates yesterday who has twin boys just trying to crawl. She left me with them for 5mins. One crawled up me and puked all over me, absolutely stunk I got tears in my eyes! Meanwhile the other one twisted himself into a pretzel on the floor, got stuck and started crying. I didn’t have enough hands to deal with it whilst heaving through the smell.... I had a full on panic!

And twins run in my family so ... :frio:
Ah but there great when they're your own, nothing comes close to the feeling of undying love from your own...'s just the shitting, puking, screaming, rashes, physical mental psychological financial utter f**k**g torture sleep/s*x/peace/ depravation..
Apart from that it's bliss:sorprendido3:
I’m not ready to traumatise another human being! Plus I was at my mates yesterday who has twin boys just trying to crawl. She left me with them for 5mins. One crawled up me and puked all over me, absolutely stunk I got tears in my eyes! Meanwhile the other one twisted himself into a pretzel on the floor, got stuck and started crying. I didn’t have enough hands to deal with it whilst heaving through the smell.... I had a full on panic!

And twins run in my family so ... :frio:
Hopefully you'll have quads and get it all out of your system in one go.
Ugh nothing. Just hot n bothered and boarding a ceiling that should be finished by now but it’s high and bowed and I’m swerving round trying to keep it in place and reach the board pumps and then they fall over and I start again! Feckin feckin feckin...... just being whiny!! :muyenojado:
Give me f**k**g strength is that it try being ginger on a scaffold all day today .