Plastic trowels

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Active Member
Can we find out more about them. I was interested in that thread and couldn't give 2 tosses if he was advertising.
How the fuff did he make his set go of quicker ??? ??? ???
I reckon the plastic 'pulls' the surface more to increase the surface area and thus , the setting time decreases.Could be miles off though -somone will know for def! ???
sprayit said:
Can we find out more about them. I was interested in that thread and couldn't give 2 tosses if he was advertising.
How the fuff did he make his set go of quicker ??? ??? ???

He didnt he lied.

Because if someone had a tool that did help things they would do a video offering proof, or at least giving people the opportunity to see it in action and make their mind up before they bought one.
nelly said:
sprayit said:
Can we find out more about them. I was interested in that thread and couldn't give 2 tosses if he was advertising.
How the fuff did he make his set go of quicker ??? ??? ???

He didnt he lied.

Because if someone had a tool that did help things they would do a video offering proof, or at least giving people the opportunity to see it in action and make their mind up before they bought one.

HE DIDNT GET A CHANCE grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Plastic does save you an extra trowel and gives a polished finish before the plaster has set so maybe putting on with the plastic might have some kind of reaction hmmmmmmmmmmmm

HE DIDNT GET A CHANCE grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Plastic does save you an extra trowel and gives a polished finish before the plaster has set so maybe putting on with the plastic might have some kind of reaction hmmmmmmmmmmmm

When I said this morning I had de jar vue I meant about the original thread not yours.
I'm sure there was a dead similar thing happened a few months ago where he claimed it was his mate etc
sprayit said:
Can we find out more about them. I was interested in that thread and couldn't give 2 tosses if he was advertising.
How the fuff did he make his set go of quicker ??? ??? ???

Then do a search on google, and get your info that way , instead of just trying to wind every one up or maybe you should off called him or e-mailed him like he suggested
sprayit said:
Can we find out more about them. I was interested in that thread and couldn't give 2 tosses if he was advertising.
How the fuff did he make his set go of quicker ??? ??? ???

yeh stop winding people up
i did a search on google and guess where was top of the list ?????? I think you should remove your weblink and stop posting videos on here because its either

1, You want only the people on the forum to see it


2, Want the to gain work from it and profit.
flynnyman said:
sprayit said:
Can we find out more about them. I was interested in that thread and couldn't give 2 tosses if he was advertising.
How the fuff did he make his set go of quicker ??? ??? ???

yeh stop winding people up

Stop sending me private messages flinny calling warior a knob and stuff
Im all for plastics or wood or metal or anything crafted out of fluffy bank voles if they prove it.

But to do a half arsed post saying my mate tony etc without even pictures of it or it in action is bordering on the ridiculous.

I think he should be given a chance if

A - he asks danny persmission


B - at least some pictures or video
nelly said:
Im all for plastics or wood or metal or anything crafted out of fluffy bank voles if they prove it.

But to do a half arsed post saying my mate tony etc without even pictures of it or it in action is bordering on the ridiculous.

I think he should be given a chance if

A - he asks danny persmission


B - at least some pictures or video

All he would of had to do was introduce himself , instead he chose the back door , like so many on here

sprayit said:
i did a search on google and guess where was top of the list ?????? I think you should remove your weblink and stop posting videos on here because its either

1, You want only the people on the forum to see it


2, Want the to gain work from it and profit.

Are you for real, or just intent on just winding the job up!! i really don't get you some times, i could go into the obligatory long winded debate , re the pro's and cons of the forum, members, advertising, you tube links re dogs eatin their own s**t, or what you had for breakfast, tossers takin the piss constantly etc etc but i really don't have the time and the inclination
Also i don't bother to hide my identity, it's there in plain view for everybody to see i have no reason to hide who i am or what i do , unlike quite a few who like to spout off on here, if you wanna call me a tosser fine , call me on my mob, land line whatever, but don't do it behind my back in a backhanded manner!!

Glad all my networking has paid off then , should be able to retire soon ;)
i agree. flinny is sly the way he does it. As for the rest of it..The way i see it if you make a big long answer i have rattled your cage succesfully and it makes me feel good.
I would suspend flinny though cos of the way he does it
hey where is the guys email. I want to see a picture.
He said he didnt want to post pictures here because he dont want it copied or something. I WANT ONE
when the fire dies down you got to poke it about a bit to get the flames going....or even better pour petrol on it.....everyone loves a bonfire, sprayit and flinny are petrol innit mun
sshhh i say.
I think flinny has a telling off for his sneaky ways. It makes me really uncomfortable when he pm's me being mean to other members.
Back to the subject. The guy who selld them on ebay. Apart from they look completely wrong to handle. have a look at how many he has sold. Loads of people are buying them and they look cheap poopoo.

Anyone have the other guys email? He said he would send photos by email.
who's buying them hes sold undreds.
Is there something going on at the land of skim and we are being shielded from it buy a bloke who names himself after his car
This forum has rules about advertising and i would of moved the thread in question if Mr upnorth hadn't of .
so are you allowed to advertise your own product like say

Your imitation stonework job or
your latest plastering machine

or maybe your imitation stonework being layed on with your latest machine
I really don't know, perhaps it has been payed for ??? or maybe Danny don't mind certain people advertising who contribute to the forum in other ways .
i would love to know more about it but the links dead now. Its one rule for them and another rule for the others.
Hey mr wazard what one did you have, you would of needed to be quick to buy it from this guy on this forum. It was ere one minute then the powers got rid.
i lent it to my mate big rab and he never gave it back and he,s big so didnt ask for it back
sprayit said:
so are you allowed to advertise your own product like say

Your imitation stonework job or
your latest plastering machine

or maybe your imitation stonework being layed on with your latest machine

There has never been an issue with people posting pictures of their work , i have never plugged the product used for the wallcrete Job (oops) and people have always been encouraged to show their latest or even past projects on the forum , that's basically what the forum is for, is it not??
This now seems to be turning into a vendetta on me, for basically doin as instructed, yes there is discretion used where certain people contribute to the forum and this is for the greater good, like i said if the bloke had introduced himself instead off using stealth tactics (i like that mun) then he probs would of got away with a bit more.

This some of the most blatant machine sales there is any how you cheeky b*****d

PFT Wales thumbs up
« on: August 29, 2010, 03:58:51 PM »
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Just a heads up to Sprayit(Ian) of PFT Wales(Swansea) for taking the time to work through the setup of my new xl on a bank holiday sunday, even though it was purchased elsewhere. It's early days for the dealership but for anyone considering investing in a new or secondhand plastering machine and lives in or around the south wales area you'd do well to get in touch for some friendly advice and start off on the right track.

So f**k off know Ian and stop takin the piss
Ok apology accepted. Its always a good thing when people who are in the wrong admit it. It takes a man.
How about Flinny he deserves a few harsh lines for stirring
and i havent even made a sale yet, simply elton takes care of that as soon as i get a sniff he goes off about areas and stuff
This now seems to be turning into a vendetta against me there must of been a meeting on a certain forum that sells machines (i wont mention the name coz they get enough free advertising) and they are trying to oust me off the forum, similar tactics used on ebuild when some people cant take the crack or they dont get their own way :)
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