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ive been lucky enough to have had a good look at the g4 and the ritmo 240, i like the ritmo cause it looks so portable, however reading through previous posts it looks like 3 phase still seems the way forward regards to renders so anyway is there something inbetween like the monojet and are they any good?
The monojet is a great machine but you need someone at the hopper really because its gravity fed, not a star wheel, the s44 is a similar machine but a little smaller with the same ooomph :D
S44 over the monojet i think however i've not used either yet, i use a G4 and Ritmo so i think i got it covered.
Monocouche and hardwall, i've used BG projection and it sprayed well but has an inferior finish to normal float and set imo. Although the ritmo plugs into a normal plug socket it has a device that turns that power into 3 phase which feeds the motor thus high tourque, you can spray an average outside with a ritmo because you can move it very close to your working area, or even have it on the scaffold lift with you, they work very well. Putzmeister do a small pump that looks good too with an inbuilt water pump and compressor MP12 take a look.
The G4 can spray spray far more at a greater distance and out performs the ritmo easily, problem is you have a generator running that uses fuel and has to be loaded and un loaded and maintained. The Ritmo can be cheaper to spray with which make you more money. Horses for courses i suppose.
thanx mcplaster ..........i supposes the ritmos small enough to keep moving around site, has anyone tried spraying mono with the 110v ?
have you got the extension hopper mcplaster ? many bags of mono does the standard hopper hold?
I don't think they've enough power and will struggle, where i'm working at present the roofer is using a grinder outside and the lights dim when he starts it up, therefore the ritmo would struggle to do it's thing, that's on a 10kva site transformer. You have to consider these machines are mixing and placing material at the same time, used correctly the Ritmo is a formidable machine. I've no hopper extention, it holds about 3-4 bags.
i suppose you'd want it pretty close to you if youre on youre tod if its only doing 3-4m at a time much does a g4 hold
yeah i can get about 2-3 hardwall in mine. with the extension its about 5-6 as far as i remember. that takes about 10 mins or so to spray
you can all tell me to shut up if you want :-\.........simps told me most of this and ive forgotten already ::)
Spunky no sweat mate, ask away, i know a fair bit about these pumps and the practicalitys of spraying, sometimes we still put it on by hand if it saves time, like around feature stone and the like.
cheers mate, its tricky cause its getting my head around whats best for me, how much is the 240v plus m is this the setup for backing coats and renders and then if im spraying skim do i need to invest in seperate hoses and sprayer thingymebob at the end of the hose etc?
Yes with the ext hopper they hold the same but the ritmo will take longer to mix and spray, it pumps @ 14lm max, do your maths and it can mix and place a lot of material in an hour. Just get the plus M and skim the old way, it's quicker , sorry Nick. 8)
thats what i was thinking cheers mate, here comes the bombshell if you could only have one which would you choose ?
just had a look at the putzmeister mate looks lovely, is there much difference between this and the ritmo?
I don't know much about it ,only what i've read but putzmeister don't make crap, there are lots of machine munufacturers though, the blokes on her will all plump for PFT thats because L&D are good suppliers of wear parts at good prices, Les Lord is a helpfull fella no matter what machine you got, he's genuine!
Ritmo is the ideal machine to start with, It will pump all the products we use and more and its small enough to fit your existing van.
The outlay is cheaper for the same rewards a 3 phase can offer.

The ritmo is straight away faster at mixing and applying material than by hand,making it the perfect choice for trying machine plastering.

It makes more sense the have this machine first and add a 3 phase machine to your arsenal later if you require,many people dive in with a 3 phase machine and then leave it gather dust whilst they wait to get the right jobs. With a ritmo you can use it straight away on the jobs you are allready doing. You dont see many ritmos on ebay
sprayit said:
Ritmo is the ideal machine to start with, It will pump all the products we use and more and its small enough to fit your existing van.
The outlay is cheaper for the same rewards a 3 phase can offer.

The ritmo is straight away faster at mixing and applying material than by hand,making it the perfect choice for trying machine plastering.

It makes more sense the have this machine first and add a 3 phase machine to your arsenal later if you require,many people dive in with a 3 phase machine and then leave it gather dust whilst they wait to get the right jobs. With a ritmo you can use it straight away on the jobs you are allready doing. You dont see many ritmos on ebay

how much are they these days?
its deffnately the portability that errs me towards a ritmo im not interested in spraying skimming tbh a 3 phase machine would prob be better ???.........i just had another look at the monojet that seems powerfull and looks a bit easier to move than a g4 ......can the monojet be stripped down?
what about the ritmo xl spunky........should consider that too. Has the abiity to spray renders all day long and also in dual voltage guise will spray bucket renders too up to a whopping 7mm!! A little bit shorter, narrower and lighter than a g4. Mine left germany on thurs so will be up to les later this week. Will post a thorough review of it. 5.5k for dual and 4.5k for straight 3 phase or there abouts
Ritmo does it on portability and getting used to spraying mortar or plaster because it sprays at a reasonable pace, there are lots of machines that mix and spray plaster or render, the real learning curve is how to achieve the machines true potential at the least physical expense to youself. That's how you gain from your deductable capital investment!
I'm paying 5.5k plus vat for the dual voltage one because I want one machine that will handle everything I can throw at it like a weeks worth of render five storeys up and the next spraying acrylic render top coat at distance too. I know the little ritmo handles it all too but it's like driving long distances regularly.......a little car would do it but youd much rather be behind the wheel of a cruiser that would take it all in it's stride. The straight ahead 3 phase is 4.5k plus vat and has a comp and water pump on board so plug and play. You have to add a water pump to the dual as there's no room for it because of the extra elecs in the cabinet
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