How long to leave bonding before skimmimg?

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New Member
Right I've just d&d a hole where a fire place once was, but the recess was still quite deep to skim so I've put some bonding in leaving it a few mm's from the surface ready to give it a skim the nesxt day.
Will it be ok to skim over the bonding the next day if it has not completely dried?
How do I prepare the bomding to skim? do I PVA it or should it be ok just to skim straight away or with some water on it?
You will get quit a bit of suction from bonding the next day how thick was the bonding coat ? but if its a small area it should be okay with just a light spray of water no need for pva prior to skimming just do not over trowel it and keep a eye out for pimples keep your first skim coat tight and as flat as poss and try not to rush your second coat on even though you think its dry enough.
I skim over bonding when its still wet.... firm but wet!!

Failing that the following day I PVA it up

Hello Danny
Do you never have a problem with cracking in the plaster skimming over when its not fully dry, cheers
not with plaster but with bonding its normally when your doing reskims and theres patches to fill a wouldnt try it with larger areas because like a say it does speed the settin time quite abit
like it goes off in the bucket....not for the novice this one ;D
in dannys post hes mentioned that hes PVA bonding the next day, is it ok to PVA bonding the next day if it hasnt dried out properly
the thing is it should have dried out by the next day unless its in a pretty cold room av plastered over bonding thats not completly dry n had no probs a would just pva n skim
yes mate, it'll still dry, but ill be bleedin surprised if bonding hasnt dried out the next day!!
it'll need 2 good coats of pva from dry, always better to hit it when its set/wet but not dry..
if ive bonded up a few patches the day before, when i pva the wall i go over the bonded areas about 3 times, just keep throwin pva at it, itll suck it up like a sponge, not too thick though....
if youre skimming it the next day i'd just wet it down mate if it's a couple of days old you can use pva a couple of 3/1 coats should be fine or a 2/1 coat the day before you dont want to over do the pva mate it can lead to other problems

Never had one crack on me yet, however I have found that when I rolled water over bonding then skimmed it and have had it blister it on me which is a pain in the ring. ;D

I skim over bonding when its still wet.... firm but wet!!

Failing that the following day I PVA it up


im the same as danny on this.

obviously the only thing is it will need longer to dry before painting.

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