The MyBuilder experience

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Hi everyone ... can someone tell me the name of the pea used in wet dash??? I'm new to this and struggling with forum at the min
Never said anything about site, subbies etc did I ??? ermmmm no I don't think I did its about mybuilder....

Aldi warehouse and checkout staff are on £8-10 an hour .... long shifts so nearly £100 -110 a day before tax .... say £100-120 on my builder before tax , lead fees, overheads, time quoting, fuel , tools etc etc . .... basically its £100 more a week plastering than aldi .... take out all the above and you have to ask yourself is £20 ish a day more worth having to pay a lab and running a business ...???

The point Im making is there's jobs that pay near that with no hassle or outlay of being self employed .... for me anything ive just said is just smart business rather than sitting there thinking I'm doing ok when over a year I bet an aldi's employees wages would roughly be the same as self employed as you might get quiet spells / rain offs etc

Reading your other posts on this you clearly have not got a clue, maybe you tried it and it didn't work, but let me tell you this I buy a lead for say £5plus vat then from that moment on I charge what I like it for any given job. I have over 60+ positive feedback which usually puts me in the driving seat over others.
It's obviously not for everyone but it works and works well. If you buy a lead and go to quote with a Neanderthal approach it will not.
Hope we can move this thread on from me having to justify why I'm giving it a go.

While iv got a little free time i want to share with you guys what its costing, the type of jobs and if it does what it claims.

thanks for your input GPS
Reading your other posts on this you clearly have not got a clue, maybe you tried it and it didn't work, but let me tell you this I buy a lead for say £5plus vat then from that moment on I charge what I like it for any given job. I have over 60+ positive feedback which usually puts me in the driving seat over others.
It's obviously not for everyone but it works and works well. If you buy a lead and go to quote with a Neanderthal approach it will not.

That's funny because ive seen customers post and what there budget is ???? Neanderthal approach because of what I wont get out of bed for 120-130 a day or because your fighting it out with chancers and I know this because ive seen it in my local area and the work left ..... BTW Ive nearly a 80 trading standards reviews over my time on the scheme im on so I can assure you I know how to make money and run a business (y)
That's funny because ive seen customers post and what there budget is ???? Neanderthal approach because of what I wont get out of bed for 120-130 a day or because your fighting it out with chancers and I know this because ive seen it in my local area and the work left ..... BTW Ive nearly a 80 trading standards reviews over my time on the scheme im on so I can assure you I know how to make money and run a business (y)

That's not my builder my friend thats rated people or similar, no budget is put on my builder which shows me how very little you know about it.
I work mostly on my own nowadays so I normally do a couple of rooms to a whole house over skim or extensions. Working on my own means there's always gonna be a couple of days here and there when I've it no work.
Usually I'm happy about this and go on the p1ss, 3 days a week is 2 too many imo. If I want work I go on Rated People, normally rising lol damp jobs, in between my normal work. Iveprob spent about £1 k to them for the past 4 yrs but I've probs got about £25 k work through it.
Horses for courses really
I remember some one saying they have a couple businesses and one is vat registered
I be have asked my accountant about this and she said you can't do it
I remember some one saying they have a couple businesses and one is vat registered
I be have asked my accountant about this and she said you can't do it

Depends how you approach it. If you have say 2 plastering companies and your a director of both, with separate accounts and neither are Vat registered your asking for trouble and it will be when not if you get caught.

I've 2 companies one general building and one for damp remediation and building protection (render) however I only have one limited company that they both trade under when it comes to quoting and invoicing, banking etc.
This is purely for marketing purposes on the net and so I'm not cheating the system in anyway shape or form.

You can get around things but you need a good accountant and some good luck I'd say.

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Depends how you approach it. If you have say 2 plastering companies and your a director of both, with separate accounts and neither are Vat registered your asking for trouble and it will be when not if you get caught.

I've 2 companies one general building and one for damp remediation and building protection (render) however I only have one limited company that they both trade under when it comes to quoting and invoicing, banking etc.
This is purely for marketing purposes on the net and so I'm not cheating the system in anyway shape or form.

You can get around things but you need a good accountant and some good luck I'd say.

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You have two trading names, not two company's.
Depends how you approach it. If you have say 2 plastering companies and your a director of both, with separate accounts and neither are Vat registered your asking for trouble and it will be when not if you get caught.

I've 2 companies one general building and one for damp remediation and building protection (render) however I only have one limited company that they both trade under when it comes to quoting and invoicing, banking etc.
This is purely for marketing purposes on the net and so I'm not cheating the system in anyway shape or form.

You can get around things but you need a good accountant and some good luck I'd say.

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if you have two LTD companies and a third to cover them ,your accountant must love you !!lol
I remember some one saying they have a couple businesses and one is vat registered
I be have asked my accountant about this and she said you can't do it
Get your mrs to be self employed on the side so you can still be competitive in domestic without the vat, thats what people do
Get your mrs to be self employed on the side so you can still be competitive in domestic without the vat, thats what people do
i thought they stopped that loop hole years ago ? i could be wrong ,just pay my way !lol
I don't do it personally, but my gardener mate does it, he seems fine no hassle from the taxman.
Yea, gardening maybe, but when we are sat round the table with the vat man for inspection, and my Mrs is sat there, hair done, nails done and wearing her jimmy choo's I don't think claiming she's out on the tools is going to wash with him.
Yea, gardening maybe, but when we are sat round the table with the vat man for inspection, and my Mrs is sat there, hair done, nails done and wearing her jimmy choo's I don't think claiming she's out on the tools is going to wash with him.
If someone doing gardening or plastering doesn't mean you have to be scruffy.
Yea, gardening maybe, but when we are sat round the table with the vat man for inspection, and my Mrs is sat there, hair done, nails done and wearing her jimmy choo's I don't think claiming she's out on the tools is going to wash with him.

She probably finished work and had chance to get showered and sorted. I don't like sitting in my dirty dusty work gear round the table!

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Leads bought - 3
Jobs priced - 2
Costs - £19.20
Jobs won - 0

Got shortlisted for a job, name and phone number of a bedroom locally, called no answer, left a message and text, not looking great is it?
I considered it then got feedback of some customers who had used it.
They don't care if you are a business or
A guy who has never been trained it's all about price.usually the guys that work for peanuts in my area get the jobs.and most of them are crap.
Good luck with it hope it works out.
Leads bought - 3
Jobs priced - 2
Costs - £19.20
Jobs won - 0

Got shortlisted for a job, name and phone number of a bedroom locally, called no answer, left a message and text, not looking great is it?
It's early days yet £19 isn't a lot really if you consider when you would normally quote a job you drive to the location which could cost £5-10 on fuel then spend your time measuring up and talking with the customer say £2o for an hour of your time,i think you've done right setting a £100 as a test amount,if all goes well just one job could be enough to cover that and your wage and some profit.itll be interesting to see how it goes it's definitely worth a try. :)
Leads bought - 3
Jobs priced - 2
Costs - £19.20
Jobs won - 0

Got shortlisted for a job, name and phone number of a bedroom locally, called no answer, left a message and text, not looking great is it?
To be fair @Danny should pay the £100 for the great job your doing researching and updating the forum with your findings :)
That's not my builder my friend thats rated people or similar, no budget is put on my builder which shows me how very little you know about it.

Fair enough marra - if im mixed up I hold my hands up ....... in all honesty things of late annoy me when plastering which is a skilled trade (possibly the most skilled ?) comes down to budgets and having to work for lower rate etc .... especially when u see work you've quoted for and its gash but somehow acceptable .... just a pet hate in general with sites like mentioned but like has been said theres good and bad in all schemes
Don't want no money, doing it for myself firstly but want to share the results with you guys so when anyone is short of work and thinks this is a route to take they can take a look at how I've done and what return I made, and make a decision on that, instead of the thousands of biased customer reviews on web.

Most on here are the same as me.

Your professional and have good standards.

Some are domestics only.

You only do 1 trade plastering, no jacks

Not overly impressed with it at the minute as I've been charged £6 for a duff job and at the end of this if I haven't won 1 job, the owner will get an email asking for a refund as it's been a waste of my time and money.

They haven't done what they claim to do yet, but iv got to give them a fair craic

They seem more interested in having a picture of me on my profile for security reasons incase I decide to steal an ornament, they may receive this
The MyBuilder experience
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