Why do i get all the crap jobs!?

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Hi Guys back again for more advice.

The problem i'm having is deciding what is the best option when quoting, this is due to my inexperiences with different sufaces + materials.

Take this job for example (see pictures)

The lady wants cladding removed and smooth finish because shes worried about her grandson cutting himself on the roughcast? pebbledash?. And she thinks it looks better.

Its a conservatory.

When i looked at this job i thought firstly that it would all have to be stripped down to brick, then float coat...very time consuming + expensive so i gave her that option but after touching the wall realised it was rock solid and that maybe a bonding coat all over, then ruled off, keyed and then multifinished would be fine? I guess D&D is not really an option as window frames etc will cause probs.

Then i started to worry what if i bonded it all then another owner came along and removed the conservatory, i would be leaving them with alot of work!

Advice please.

Pricing was thinking £450 labour for bonding coat + multifinish....double that if removing + float coat + skim

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for me your best bet is bond it out then skim it. its very unlikely the conservatory will come down with out being replaced with another one so dont worry about that.
What about when they come to put the TV back on the wall surely the pboard won't be strong enough to hold that weight? Also boarding under the top step gap is less than 9.5 mm so pboard will be sticking out, although maybe i can just bond that little bit and board the rest?
Bond it and then skim it.... wouldnt worry about what other people do when the house is sold...

The only advantage i can see of d&d is hiding all those horrible wires...any other options to hide them when using bond coat? + will i need to do any intial beading? or only when skimming for window frame etc.?

I would d&d, save a lot of time and trouble. If you're worried about finishing around sill pull them off and refit after d&d. As for tv, use larger fixings and secure into brick!
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