What is SBR?

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Styreene Buttediene Rubber used in Render, Floor screeds and sandtex paint. Some people use Unibond but I WOULDNOT do what you are asking.
Yeah what ever you do dont just paint a coat on, you have to use it in conjunction with cement as a slurry to give smoother surfaces a key, usually splattered on with a tyrolean gun, as it goes rock hard and sticks to pretty much anything so wear gloves as it is a nightmare to get off.
I've never used it but it's not damp proofing and it's expensive.
Bod so i could mix up a cement slurry apply to brick wall with tyrolean gun - wait to dry - then skim? This would create a barrier against lateral damp?

No it wont protect it against damp if there is damp in the existing wall it will need to be hacked off and use a product called vandex it is also gauranteed, then apply limelite or drycoat this seems to be the better damp proofing products but if you want a cheaper solution just use sand and cement with waterproofer in (sovereign is a good waterproofer)
No it wont protect it against damp if there is damp in the existing wall it will need to be hacked off and use a product called vandex it is also gauranteed, then apply limelite or drycoat this seems to be the better damp proofing products but if you want a cheaper solution just use sand and cement with waterproofer in (sovereign is a good waterproofer)

agreed sovereigns the best
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