UK lockdown this friday

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The only reason Italy dropping like s**t becouse ther population are old
That’s true . It’s a fact that Italy have a longer life expectancy due to Mediterranean diet and lifestyle. Also most Asian countries take care of the older generation better than we do . So obviously the more older they have are gonna push the statistics up
Postman you've on here a couple of days the only thing you talked about is coronavirus I've being here years bought intresting debate about plastering whith lads on here.As far as I can see from 25 of February you have got no knowledge about plastering only this virus
78 messages all about corona virus lol
That’s true . It’s a fact that Italy have a longer life expectancy due to Mediterranean diet and lifestyle. Also most Asian countries take care of the older generation better than we do . So obviously the more older they have are gonna push the statistics up
Not just that but the elderly live with the family so it spread to them easier.
This was no accident. China are ok now because they already had a vaccine. China will rule the world after this
That’s true . It’s a fact that Italy have a longer life expectancy due to Mediterranean diet and lifestyle. Also most Asian countries take care of the older generation better than we do . So obviously the more older they have are gonna push the statistics up
Burgers, crisps and fizzy pop the way to go then.
Postman you've on here a couple of days the only thing you talked about is coronavirus I've being here years bought intresting debate about plastering whith lads on here.As far as I can see from 25 of February you have got no knowledge about plastering only this virus
It’s a stodge isn’t it, it’s someone off here on the wind up.
Any real life reports from all our tpf members in London?
I’m hearing the army is there in force ?
I don’t get all the worry about the army being out. There helping bolster up the numbers of emergency services and nhs, just like we did during the fireman strikes early 2000s, it’s not bad news and nothing to panic about

I bet the Jews ain't too happy :frenetico: :frenetico:

UK lockdown this friday
Client said that it was announced from outside Downing Street earlier that there was 0% of there being a lock down.

germans just put their first town on lockdown.....

if china are saying that things are better
why cant they send their doctors to help in Lombardi.
people who are giving worst case scenarios, speculating about future worries and generally are dwelling in this gloom.

It’s hard to see positive news coming through in the media but looking at other countries

China has closed down its last CV related hospital as there are not enough new cases to support it staying open.

Doctors in India have been successful in treating cases of CV with a combination of existing medicines. They are recommending doing this on a global scale.

Researchers at Erasmus medical centre claim to have found an antibody.

China have reopened all 42 apple stores and most the country is returning to normal.

Israel are set to announce the development of a vaccine.

At this time let’s do what we can for each other, community spirit for the next 3 months and remember to speak to people in need. A phone call to an elderly relative or seeing if your homebound neighbour up the road needs some milk. Let’s be the best version of ourselves we can be.
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people who are giving worst case scenarios, speculating about future worries and generally are dwelling in this gloom.

It’s hard to see positive news coming through in the media but looking at other countries

China has closed down its last CV related hospital as there are not enough new cases to support it staying open.

Doctors in India have been successful in treating cases of CV with a combination of existing medicines. They are recommending doing this on a global scale.

Researchers at Erasmus medical centre claim to have found an antibody.

China have reopened all 42 apple stores and most the country is returning to normal.

Israel are set to announce the development of a vaccine.

At this time let’s do what we can for each other, community spirit for the next 3 months and remember to speak to people in need. A phone call to an elderly relative or seeing if your homebound neighbour up the road needs some milk. Let’s be the best version of ourselves we can be, and keep spreading and drinking and gambling responsibly.
ok let’s start being positive, got a call today someone wants a quote for a job . Hope it stays this way

(Not aimed personally at algeeman):

FFX sake. Those headlines are a disgrace.


The country is planning for a 'worst-case scenario'

We want you to be scared shitless and fearing for the worst-case scenario becoming a reality


"Doctor: We're seeing people in their 40s on ventilators"

"Desperate race to make more life-saving ventilators"

Anyone who isn't an OAP and thinks they can survive contracting the virus, with a bit of medical care, because they are younger, isn't scared shitless enough, so we want you to be fully scared shitless that if you DO suffer with the virus, you may not be able to rely upon doctors to help you because there is a *SCARCITY* of equipment, and humanbeings 'need technology' (or synthetic pharmaceuticals) in order to survive whatever ails them...

Furthermore, if there is a scarcity of ventilators, as we're claiming, then you should take that as unquestionable proof that this virus is killing people in their millions.

In short: Be afraid, and if you're not afraid, BE AFRAID, dammit!!


Netflix urged to slow streaming to stop internet from breaking

This is coded language for saying we fully plan to interrupt internet services, but we need a way to indirectly warn the panic-stricken sheeple that it's going to happen, and a convenient scapegoat for when it does.


London Tube stations shut as government considers lockdown

We have LONG planned for this to happen, but we're still going to pretend that we're not sure if it will be necessary, but we're implanting the possibility in the minds of the masses, beforehand, so it will be easier to accomplish.


What you need to know about virus today

If you haven't drunk all of our fear-porn koolaid yet, here's a reminder of the carefully-crafted, calculated, narrative we want you, the gullible sheeple, to unquestioningly believe as 100% authoritative 'fact'


Be loving to everyone, folks. Be calm and take sensible precautions, but please don't subscribe to all the panic and fearmongering in the mainstream media. What is happening around the world at the moment is multi-faceted, and a lot of good things will come out of it, in the longrun, even though all you will hear about in the mainstream media is an extremely narrow focus upon doom, gloom, panic, scarcity, and fear. Sometimes bad situations are unexpectedly harnessed for other purposes, at the same time, for the greater good. Use this downtime for the good, by enjoying quality time with your family, rather than spending your time worrying about nightmare scenarios.

I wish every person on this forum peace & wellbeing!
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