Staircase walls

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Got a job to price and i really need it so i need an idea of what you guys would charge. The house is a modern semi with small entrance hall approx 2-3 metres, staircase is 4-5 metres and the top landing is 2 metres. The walls are covered in a watery broken swirl artex (to be specific) so just need the nibs removed. Any ideas?
cheers guys. I went today to price it and they've had a quote of £350 already. How thw fcuk can you top that? :o

Obviously things are different in scotland!!!
kebab king said:
£400/£500 2 days plus mats

5 bags multi, £25. tub of pva, £10. 2 days wages £? i'd still go in at £650 though
Casper said:
cheers guys. I went today to price it and they've had a quote of £350 already. How thw fcuk can you top that? :o

Obviously things are different in scotland!!!

WTF!!! Thats like buying the work , cnts like that have this trade ruined mate.
Pug said:
kebab king said:
£400/£500 2 days plus mats

5 bags multi, £25. tub of pva, £10. 2 days wages £? i'd still go in at £650 though

Tell them to take the cheep estimate and when they (french word) it up you,ll charge them double to ;D sort their crap out. Easy 3 days, take your time do a good job £500 cash. Put £50 by for materials that leaves you £150 a day. I don't care what anyone says, thats good money for an easy days work.
Sorry Kebab & Pug I was trying to quote the £350 a day estimate and not quoting you guys ;)
How do you guys get work the prices your offering are extortionate. 6 multi £30, PVA £10, Beads £10, 2 Days at very most £150 a day £350 in total.
fuel, tax, insurance, public liability. then on the job itself you have to put dust sheets all over the place. scrape every surface because its all been artexed and i've never known a H/S/L that is nice to do. they are always arkward, up and down ladders. balancing on planks. on the stairway wall you have to do the top half. move the ladder and plank, do the bottom half etc its alot of hassle, so why, for example. would you charge the same for a double bedroom where there is lots of room, not up and down stairs all day, straight walls at easy height, as you would for something as arkward as a h.s.l?
Just what i charge and i've worked all through the recession without a day off. You have to pay for fuel, tax and insurance no matter where you work and public liability is only £100 a year
350quid? even if it was all board work Id charge a lot more than that!

like steve says, you gotta go in, sheet up, scrape all the walls (and ceilings I presume), if you did it in 2 days then youd be working your tits off and itd be much longer than an 8 hour day ( dont care what anyone says, two 3 hour sets, plus PVAing, scraping etc/), and for that Id want a hell of a lot more than 150 quid a day.
picasso once dashed a sketch off for a journalist who got it valued for s**t loads. the journalist went back to picasso and asked him how something that took 15 mins to paint could be worth so much, picasso replied "it didn't take 15 mins it took 72 years"

its taken me a long time to get good at what i do and its a skill i'm proud of. its something not everyone can do and thats why i charge what i do. i'm also stacked out with work.

sorry in advance for sounding like a pompus t**t
you have to go and price it, which is 1 journey, then go to the merchants to the job and then home on the first day, then the job and back on the first day. thats alot of fuel. tools arent cheap if you buy decent stuff. i'd want a labourer on a job like a h/s/l. theres no way im f**k**g about on planks and ladders AND mixing up, washing out, carrying and cleaning up at the end of each day. Pugs charging more than you and hes stacked out. so whos the fool? if you are self employed like myself and have an accident and are unable to work. you don't get sick pay. you dont get paid holiday. you dont get a uniform supplied to you. accountants need to be paid. all of this needs to be taken into account. and what if you have a dry spell and dont get any work for a few weeks. bills still need to be paid. food still needs to be bought. SKY SPORTS still has to be paid for ;D
Interesting. As has been said, sheeting up+scraping+pva (2 coats) and that's your morning gone on the first day. All that before you get your scaffold set up!!! I reckon it's an easy 2 -2.5 days and to be totally fair....IT is worth a meagre £450. of anybody's money. This trade really needs to get to grips with what's fair and what's just taking the (french word)! i.e not quoting buttons or ripping the arse out of it.
To be fair i work with another spread and h/s/l are alot easier with another spread we could normally knock one out in a day which i know would be a pain on my own, and when you do it in a day you get the same response from people with a price they think they have been ripped off.
I was saying if it takes 3 days and you get £150 a day cash for it, its good money. yes it could be 3 hard days, but so what! we all must have had a good few easy jobs were your done by lunch and going home with £200 in pocket. ;D you got to take the rough with smooth, and if theres not too much work knocking about, you got to price so all parties are happy.
I agree jord. I'm doing a 20m ceiling on saturday for £180. I think the public expect to pay more for ceiling work. They see a staircase and think, oh, it's all doors at the top and hardly much at the's only the staircase wall. ::) In comparison, i'll clear £160 for my ceiling and do it in a morning!!
Look lads lets have it right were just plasterers. You dont need much brains to be a plasterer just the ability to work hard, i have been doing this for 15 years now and some years ive made £30k to £35k but most years i have made £25k to £30k which i am more than happy with and i know i could never leave plastering and expect to earn as much. I really enjoy enjoy plastering and take alot of pride in my work. I start at 8am and finish at 3pm every day, i never have any complaints or call backs to put work right
I dont think £30.000 a year self employed running a bussiness be it only sole trader is good money at all.
steve cov said:
fuel, tax, insurance, public liability. then on the job itself you have to put dust sheets all over the place. scrape every surface because its all been artexed and i've never known a H/S/L that is nice to do. they are always arkward, up and down ladders. balancing on planks. on the stairway wall you have to do the top half. move the ladder and plank, do the bottom half etc its alot of hassle, so why, for example. would you charge the same for a double bedroom where there is lots of room, not up and down stairs all day, straight walls at easy height, as you would for something as arkward as a h.s.l?

Exactly this, iv'e done loads this year....There so (french word)ing akward, can'r get a spot and stand set up or nothing where theres no space, There such hard work... i usually go in at about £450 to £550 for a small one, but will try to get more..

Done one for my mate last week £250, never again......Mates rates my ass

I do them on my own to...
CKJ said:
Look lads lets have it right were just plasterers. You dont need much brains to be a plasterer just the ability to work hard, i have been doing this for 15 years now and some years ive made £30k to £35k but most years i have made £25k to £30k which i am more than happy with and i know i could never leave plastering and expect to earn as much. I really enjoy enjoy plastering and take alot of pride in my work. I start at 8am and finish at 3pm every day, i never have any complaints or call backs to put work right

most jobs dont take much brains ONCE you know how to do it, plastering is a skill you learn as going to uni and becoming an architect after 7 years is a different form or knowhow, why the hell arnt plasterers entitled to earn good money? why the f**k would someone stick at a job that takes years to perfect to earn f**k all if he can learn electrics or plumbing in a matter of months and earn fortunes.

It may not take intelligence to be ok at plastering but to be the best it takes someone who is switched on and intelligent, I could have gone through university as I went to a grammar school but I decided it wasn't my cup of tea and chose this route, yes thickos plaster but also a lot of people CHOOSE to be plasterers and if good enough, deserve to earn a decent wage! (which I say is aroudn the 40,000 mark).
Freerider_2009 said:
CKJ said:
Look lads lets have it right were just plasterers. You dont need much brains to be a plasterer just the ability to work hard, i have been doing this for 15 years now and some years ive made £30k to £35k but most years i have made £25k to £30k which i am more than happy with and i know i could never leave plastering and expect to earn as much. I really enjoy enjoy plastering and take alot of pride in my work. I start at 8am and finish at 3pm every day, i never have any complaints or call backs to put work right

most jobs dont take much brains ONCE you know how to do it, plastering is a skill you learn as going to uni and becoming an architect after 7 years is a different form or knowhow, why the hell arnt plasterers entitled to earn good money? why the (french word) would someone stick at a job that takes years to perfect to earn (french word) all if he can learn electrics or plumbing in a matter of months and earn fortunes.

It may not take intelligence to be ok at plastering but to be the best it takes someone who is switched on and intelligent, I could have gone through university as I went to a grammar school but I decided it wasn't my cup of tea and chose this route, yes thickos plaster but also a lot of people CHOOSE to be plasterers and if good enough, deserve to earn a decent wage! (which I say is aroudn the 40,000 mark).

Spot on....We need to drive these prices back up...hahaha
in the last few days we've plastered a small h/s/l half a bedroom and coved it all. its taken us an hour and half to put all the tools away, take all the sheets up, sweep up, hoover, and mop. we did exactly the same yesterday. and also. most plasterers are f**k*d by the time they are 60. why shouldnt we earn money to cover our retirement?
I agree with what everyone is saying, if you can earn £40k a year fair play to you. Plastering is a physically hard job and you are knackered early in life.
That's me finished my staircase. I priced at £425 (£75 more than the other spread) but the customer didn't like the look of the other guy!! Anyway, it was a ballbuster, as expected. First off, 2 hours scraping followed by tacking on 10 beads. Next i used a gallon or so of PVA (2 coats.) That was yesterday afternoon. Today was the main event. Started at 9 and finished at 5.30, 7 bags of multi later. F*****g torture. And the worst bit? I wasn't even offered a cup of tea!!! people never fail to amaze me. ::)
see, £600 and you could have bought a kettle and some teabags ;D

if you could price it again would you go in at the same amount?
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