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Well-Known Member
I was under the impression this was a public forum, but are we really saying that, if as a forum we talk about a certain product and with good and bad responses that they are then duty bound to sponsor this site or else all mention is banned ? Sounds pretty pathetic to me.

Personally I don't think they do, no matter how much it is discussed or encouraged to purchase.

Just thought I'd raise the question.
I was under the impression this was a public forum, but are we really saying that, if as a forum we talk about a certain product and with good and bad responses that they are then duty bound to sponsor this site or else all mention is banned ? Sounds pretty pathetic to me.

Personally I don't think they do, no matter how much it is discussed or encouraged to purchase.

Just thought I'd raise the question.
Your right it does sound pathetic when you put it that way it's when you put it another way it doesn't. If you sold let's say a handboard that had a pipe attached to the handle and up through the handle a backing plaster constantly filled the board then you came on here trying to sell it. The forum as a platform to give advise for free needs running costs, you speak to the guy with the handboard and say "this is my business if you would like to come into my business and sell it, could you atleast pay me something for me to let you do it" doesn't sound to bad then. But if every time you opened your shop doors, different people came in selling their stuff you would be pissed and put a stop to it. The forum has grown and is turning into the place to go for plastering advise, if that means people have to pay to advertise, it will keep the place running for free to me and you and anyone else who wants advise. The company you are on about did sponsor the place but don't any more, so they can't advertise for free, so the word is delete. it's not the be all and end all coz I don't give a **** I know who they are and I've been using their trowels for the last eight years.
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except for they are not advertising for free as you say are they, whomever is just discussing a product of theres.

The members that feature there website do they pay a fee as that could be considered advertising for free.

to be fair I couldnt give a monkeys either to be honest just like a good debate and think the politcs of this stinks
Your right it does sound pathetic when you put it that way it's when you put it another way it doesn't. If you sold let's say a handboard that had a pipe attached to the handle and up through the handle a backing plaster constantly filled the board then you came on here trying to sell it. The forum as a platform to give advise for free needs running costs, you speak to the guy with the handboard and say "this is my business if you would like to come into my business and sell it, could you atleast pay me something for me to let you do it" doesn't sound to bad then. But if every time you opened your shop doors, different people came in selling their stuff you would be pissed and put a stop to it. The forum has grown and is turning into the place to go for plastering advise, if that means people have to pay to advertise, it will keep the place running for free to me and you and anyone else who wants advise. The company you are on about did sponsor the place but don't any more, so they can't advertise for free, so the word is delete. it's not the be all and end all coz I don't give a **** I know who they are and I've been using their trowels for the last eight years.

btw what a fantastic idea that is id buy one of them.
except for they are not advertising for free as you say are they, whomever is just discussing a product of theres.

The members that feature there website do they pay a fee as that could be considered advertising for free.

to be fair I couldnt give a monkeys either to be honest just like a good debate and think the politcs of this stinks
I think you can advertise your services as a plasterer which is fair as a plastering forum but if your selling the product I've invented you should pay like you do with eBay or Amazon but in this situation they did advertise but no longer so the product isn't advertised no more it's happened with other products
I think you can advertise your services as a plasterer which is fair as a plastering forum but if your selling the product I've invented you should pay like you do with eBay or Amazon but in this situation they did advertise but no longer so the product isn't advertised no more it's happened with other products

but you are selling your services so danny should get a cut of any sale ? as he has give the platform to do so.

To my knowledge said company have not asked any member to push there products. is talk of marshal town banned and is it the case we can only discuss products of those who sponsor this forum.

For the record the wife is out tonight the three year old is in bed, there is sod all on tv and im bored lol
The lads who advertise their websites offer lots of good Advice to other members so danny doesn't mind. If a company advertised then decided they no longer need to. Why should they be plugged for free.
The lads who advertise their websites offer lots of good Advice to other members so danny doesn't mind. If a company advertised then decided they no longer need to. Why should they be plugged for free.

ok well is it not the case we as plasterers are just giving our fellow spreads advice/reviews whatever as to the best way to do our job with the best tools available, its a plasterers forum and as such plasterers should be able to discuss all things plastering without being censored.
The lads who advertise their websites offer lots of good Advice to other members so danny doesn't mind. If a company advertised then decided they no longer need to. Why should they be plugged for free.

are you saying the plasterers forum made that company, and now they no longer want to sponsor us, I would suggest not
i think its a good point, @gps. i mentioned it in another thread the other day. i think its bad they pulled the sponsorship but i think its pointless to censor their name. i look at the deleted content and think, oh, r efina. i hate claptrap talk but i think its reactive rather than proactive. marshalltown dont sponser on here but i dont see them censored. danny is the genius that has put all this and more together but i would think a point of sale on the forum would work well. get one or two sponsors to run with it. you want a product off them you buy through the forum, the sale goes directly to them who dropship / direct dispatch the item. they have numbers of how many sales are through the forum. if you want an item thats not on the forum - ie the company in question - you contact them and ask is it possible to buy it through the forums point of sale.
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Did I say that? Danny thinks they've underestimated how much recognition they get from the forum and wants to prove a point
ok well is it not the case we as plasterers are just giving our fellow spreads advice/reviews whatever as to the best way to do our job with the best tools available, its a plasterers forum and as such plasterers should be able to discuss all things plastering without being censored.
You can discuss what you want and products but if you as the owner discuss then sell them using the forum then pull the plug on advertising you can't keep the same benefits. If you try and sell your product without sponsoring the same applies, and like what @beddy said you can add a signature in exchange for your advise or questions
Did I say that? Danny thinks they've underestimated how much recognition they get from the forum and wants to prove a point

in a way, beddy, that's akin to the silent treatment. you're not going to win them back like that. IMHO. especially in an open arena where this is easily viwed by the company concerned. this should be in another section.
You can discuss what you want and products but if you as the owner discuss then sell then use the forum to sell then pull the plug on advertising you can't keep the same benefits. If you try and sell your product without sponsoring the same applies and like what @beddy said you can add a signature in exchange for your advise or questions

Im must be missing the point here flynny, were are THEY trying to sell something ????????????
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You can discuss what you want and products but if you as the owner discuss then sell them using the forum then pull the plug on advertising you can't keep the same benefits. If you try and sell your product without sponsoring the same applies, and like what @beddy said you can add a signature in exchange for your advise or questions

but thats tantamount to saying you have to advertise forever. thats not the real world
Did I say that? Danny thinks they've underestimated how much recognition they get from the forum and wants to prove a point

so are you know saying that if they are censored on here their sale will drop and they will think oh **** its because we no longer sponsor the plasterers forum
in a way, beddy, that's akin to the silent treatment. you're not going to win them back like that. IMHO. especially in an open arena where this is easily viwed by the company concerned. this should be in another section.
lets bit talk about particular firm which has not been mentioned coz we don't know who it is :) the rule goes for everyone there was a similar thing with the guys who sold machines, the forum is a great place to sell your product so why not get on board? Nothing is free if you are selling something
Did I say that? Danny thinks they've underestimated how much recognition they get from the forum and wants to prove a point

Yes you said they now "no longer need to" either that or your saying that no one had ever heard of them before
The site needs sponsors to work , you cannot have one paying and another not , that,s just life mate , imo
Don't shoot the messenger durex

sorry, beddy. we all have our opinions. i just dont think its going to work, though i would like it to work ...

i wrote an email to zedfix the other day after i got my latest beads / pregrit off them suggesting they sponsor the forum. if there was a point of sale on here for beads / pregrit / trowels etc. i wouldnt go elsewhere. especially if it was easy payment with paypal. one click, the sale gets passed to the company concerned. you get the gear in the post.

they never responded, though ..... :-(

but who knows
but thats tantamount to saying you have to advertise forever. thats not the real world
Look at it like an indipendant shop, if I'm selling your product and you decided not to pay me any more I would just stop selling it it's that simple.
Yes you said they now "no longer need to" either that or your saying that no one had ever heard of them before

I said they feel they no longer need to. Which is obviously the case as they've stopped advertising. You really need to read what you're quoting
lets bit talk about particular firm which has not been mentioned coz we don't know who it is :) the rule goes for everyone there was a similar thing with the guys who sold machines, the forum is a great place to sell your product so why not get on board? Nothing is free if you are selling something

well why not censor marshalltown, tyzack, makita radios, blue grit. microgobis or whatever ...... because they just get mentioned in a forum concerned with plastering ...
sorry, beddy. we all have our opinions. i just dont think its going to work, though i would like it to work ...

i wrote an email to zedfix the other day after i got my latest beads / pregrit off them suggesting they sponsor the forum. if there was a point of sale on here for beads / pregrit / trowels etc. i wouldnt go elsewhere. especially if it was easy payment with paypal. one click, the sale gets passed to the company concerned. you get the gear in the post.

they never responded, though ..... :-(

but who knows

Ive mentioned a company to dan that sell reffina gear cheaper than they do. Told him to speak to him about advertising.
I think some of us are missing the point here this is Danny's forum and he can do wtf he wants with it and if you don't like it don't log on simples.
NO ONE forces anyone to log on. If we were share holders with a financial stake then fair enough but we are not.
This forum has approx 20k members how many of those peep's would know of or have the confidence to buy certain products if not for reviews of forum members.

Only saying :RpS_biggrin:
well why not censor marshalltown, tyzack, makita radios, blue grit. microgobis or whatever ...... because they just get mentioned in a forum concerned with plastering ...

And that's case closed the prosecution win.
well why not censor marshalltown, tyzack, makita radios, blue grit. microgobis or whatever ...... because they just get mentioned in a forum concerned with plastering ...
Talk about what you want and if them firms come on board happy days but if you start selling these products it's a different game
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