Rated People??? BE WARNED


Been on this site for 11 months and got my 1st negative review. I appealed it as the client wanted a hole in the floor plastering. ( kid u not) and later over the skirting boards after skimming over a doorway.
Said my work was average as was dust along with plaster on the corner wall where I was plastering to make the corners neat and tidy. Then at the same time she had a cleaner in at the same time I was plastering. f**k**g some people.
Give you an idea of the client, gated fronted house, told to me to move my van of the drive and park it down the road.
No brews, no chit chat, f**k all so a mm was done
So I appealed the negative feedback as the client provided no evidence or a 2nd opinion. Was told the review will stay on my profile as it meets its there guidelines
So any f**k*r can say anything about any tradesman without any proof or evidence yet this company are happy to take my money
So I shall now create a youtube page/ website to warn other tradesman that you have no comeback if the client doesn't like you your work, your van being on the drive, dust in the working area even though sheeting was down as the mixing was done outside.
What a f**k**g liberty
Been on this site for 11 months and got my 1st negative review. I appealed it as the client wanted a hole in the floor plastering. ( kid u not) and later over the skirting boards after skimming over a doorway.
Said my work was average as was dust along with plaster on the corner wall where I was plastering to make the corners neat and tidy. Then at the same time she had a cleaner in at the same time I was plastering. f**k**g some people.
Give you an idea of the client, gated fronted house, told to me to move my van of the drive and park it down the road.
No brews, no chit chat, f**k all so a mm was done
So I appealed the negative feedback as the client provided no evidence or a 2nd opinion. Was told the review will stay on my profile as it meets its there guidelines
So any f**k*r can say anything about any tradesman without any proof or evidence yet this company are happy to take my money
So I shall now create a youtube page/ website to warn other tradesman that you have no comeback if the client doesn't like you your work, your van being on the drive, dust in the working area even though sheeting was down as the mixing was done outside.
What a f**k**g liberty
Ah mate that's so f**k**g annoying! You just get those people. I take it you've f**k*d off your profile then? I hate those sites never joined one just think they really don't care about anything. Goes the other way too, there's a company called ABKD Construction who get all their work of 'which trust a trader' and trust a stranger have been told by a few people including myself they're cowboys and yet they do nothing. No morals
Ah mate that's so f**k**g annoying! You just get those people. I take it you've f**k*d off your profile then? I hate those sites never joined one just think they really don't care about anything. Goes the other way too, there's a company called ABKD Construction who get all their work of 'which trust a trader' and trust a stranger have been told by a few people including myself they're cowboys and yet they do nothing. No morals
ive worked for them jess last xmas time john an his son what are pair of sausages them two are couldn't wait too getaway from them
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ive worked for them jess last xmas time john an his son what are pair of sausages them two are couldn't wait too getaway from them
I have recent knowledge they are continuing to be bellends. The stories I could tell you of his bizarre bullshit, upside is me and Ni still have running jokes about them :ROFLMAO:
Sorry to read this josel, gps always bangs on about how good this rated people is but I suppose there is always gonna be one customer that sticks the boot in and can never please , we all have them one time or another, chin up mate
Been on this site for 11 months and got my 1st negative review. I appealed it as the client wanted a hole in the floor plastering. ( kid u not) and later over the skirting boards after skimming over a doorway.
Said my work was average as was dust along with plaster on the corner wall where I was plastering to make the corners neat and tidy. Then at the same time she had a cleaner in at the same time I was plastering. f**k**g some people.
Give you an idea of the client, gated fronted house, told to me to move my van of the drive and park it down the road.
No brews, no chit chat, f**k all so a mm was done
So I appealed the negative feedback as the client provided no evidence or a 2nd opinion. Was told the review will stay on my profile as it meets its there guidelines
So any f**k*r can say anything about any tradesman without any proof or evidence yet this company are happy to take my money
So I shall now create a youtube page/ website to warn other tradesman that you have no comeback if the client doesn't like you your work, your van being on the drive, dust in the working area even though sheeting was down as the mixing was done outside.
What a f**k**g liberty
They are a bunch of cum sticks but glad you learned your lesson
Sorry to read this josel, gps always bangs on about how good this rated people is but I suppose there is always gonna be one customer that sticks the boot in and can never please , we all have them one time or another, chin up mate

Look back buddy, I haven’t. Not rated People
It's one way traffic with these with no redress, that's the floor in the idea of rated websites. there a good idea in principal but in reality there just a money making ploy for a pen pusher sat behind a desk creaming money of trades.
whenever you leave a job make sure there is no reason for people to complain, you should of realised from the get go that this customer was going to be extra picky and done the job accordingly or not done it, because if I was asked to move my van from the drive it would of also entailed removing myself.
It's one way traffic with these with no redress, that's the floor in the idea of rated websites. there a good idea in principal but in reality there just a money making ploy for a pen pusher sat behind a desk creaming money of trades.

Not really a one way street, if a tradesman does a really piss poor job, then these sites are not interested either, hence it’s alwasy down to you to make sure there is no comeback when you leave.
whenever you leave a job make sure there is no reason for people to complain, you should of realised from the get go that this customer was going to be extra picky and done the job accordingly or not done it, because if I was asked to move my van from the drive it would of also entailed removing myself.

Heh... I've seen a man do something like that. Some fcuking weasel of a neighbour complained about the radio - specifically, they didn't like radio one. He got told to sling his hook, but then complained to the customer who in turn, complained to us.

'Very good,' says Billy, cheerfully chucking his trowel into the back of his van and jumping in.

When the customer asked what was happening, Billy shouted over his shoulder, 'No fcuking radio, no fcuking bricklayer'. And off he went, never to be seen again.
a local conservatory firm told me he got a bad review, which did not surprise me. he had to pay £800 to have the complaint removed.
Good old recommend for me will do ...
Some peeps are deranged ...
My daughter is a beautician & customers can leave review online
One customer in for waxing review reads . emma did a lovely job , made her feel relaxed
& very chatty ect ect ,
but leaves a bad review because the background music was not to her taste ....
Another left a bad review because she struggled to find the. Shop ...
I got a bad review on checkatrade becuse we didnt clean the clients drive which was mot hardcore lol we did ckean it though at the end of the day you cant please eveyone and people will understand that so i think the odd negative comment is realistic and it doesnt bother me as on checkatrade you get the chance to put a reply
look them straight in the eye as you tightly grip there hand to shake goodbye......hold it there for a minute and growl.."make sure i get a good reply"

im sure youl be a saviour on all this internet cack !!!
whenever you leave a job make sure there is no reason for people to complain, you should of realised from the get go that this customer was going to be extra picky and done the job accordingly or not done it, because if I was asked to move my van from the drive it would of also entailed removing myself.
Ah now come on. Everyone who has done work for the general public has at one time or another had at least one of " THOSE TYPE OF CUSTOMERS "
You can't honestly try and tell us that you've never had one bad customer
Ah now come on. Everyone who has done work for the general public has at one time or another had at least one of " THOSE TYPE OFOR CUSTOMERS "
You can't honestly try and tell us that you've never had one bad customer

Yes many a bad customer, usually late payers though not moaning about mess or work.
Sorry have to call bullshit on that one.
Unless there doing it behind your back that is :cachetada:

No negative reviews (only positive) on various sites says otherwise my old fruit.

When doing work from a recommendation site make sure it’s bang on.
No negative reviews (only positive) on various sites says otherwise my old fruit.

When doing work from a recommendation site make sure it’s bang on.
I wasn't talking of just work for one of those sites I was talking of customers in general.
As for spot on some people will just try anything, if there like that
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I wasn't talking of just work for one of those sites I was talking of customers in general.
As for spot on some people will just try anything, if there like that

This thread is about rated people.
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I been on my builder for 2 years and had around 50 feedback all positive and someone left me a negative, never rang me but said the bit down the side of the architrave wasn't good and I got a splodge on their carpet down the side of the sheet (which I did but I did clean it) I rang them for a chat and after a little talk they removed it...but i now get his easy it is to get a negative on these sites.....also to OP my builder is much cheaper than rated people and much better set up for the tradesman
On check a trade after rhe client leaves a negative review they can request no further contact from the tradesperson which is ridiculous. Its normally little niggles people moan about and a simple phone call rectigies this rather than hiding behind there review
I still get Alerts for rated people any fancy this job wtf


  • Rated People??? BE WARNED
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