old skool spreads generally dispise young spreads?

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New Member
seems like a common thing im hearing,

do old skool 20/30 yrs in trade look down at young spreads generally

seems like they dispise anyone looking to get in the game, dont like people standing on there toes

what u think ?

share ya experiences
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

Lol I get it all time normally they are bitter and pissed because you have more work...lol

The spreads that trained me are hacked cos they are old skool and on the rock n roll where I am stacked

I on a massive job today in a mansion of an old house, the fireplace is listed and the cornice work is listed too..... eeek

only was gonna repair and skim a couple of walls bonded them out then she was so happy that she decided she wanted the rest done too.... touch!!!

lol got my spread danny in there tomorrow finishing up and made £££'s profit for me self..... perfect tell the old school to stick that in their hat!!!

The laydeee said she had a few prices and all be it mine was the most expensive she like me and my approach to the business.

Pays to be perfect

Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

Lol I get it all time normally they are bitter and pissed because you have more work...lol

The spreads that trained me are hacked cos they are old skool and on the rock n roll where I am stacked

I on a massive job today in a mansion of an old house, the fireplace is listed and the cornice work is listed too..... eeek

only was gonna repair and skim a couple of walls bonded them out then she was so happy that she decided she wanted the rest done too.... touch!!!

lol got my spread danny in there tomorrow finishing up and made £££'s profit for me self..... perfect tell the old school to stick that in their hat!!!

The laydeee said she had a few prices and all be it mine was the most expensive she like me and my approach to the business.

Pays to be perfect


when u were trained by the old skool were they b*stads to you sometimes and seem to not like the fact that u getting good and getting there knowledge from them
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

i dont, not at all..
what i really dont like though is the 'yoof' of today... not an all encompassing generality (or not meant to be) but by 'yoof' i mean these teenagers who seem to think the world owes em a living, think they can come into a trade and after 5 minutes think theyre the gaffer, or good enough to run theyre own business...
yes i was young, dumb and full of cum meself once, BUT i learnt the hard way, i learnt to repect the people who had been doin the trade for donkeys cos it eventually dawned on me that perhaps i didnt know everything after all and maybe i should get my head down and get on with whatever i'd been given to do cos that was as much a vital part of the job as the skilled end of it (albeit lower paid and with good reason)...
maybe its always been this way...
i beg to differ though...
no offence meant to anyone, its just that i've had my share of young idiots.. i'll bet theres many who would agree..
All that said, ive come across young people who are managing to mix learning the trade with earning money with what theyve already learnt, are polite, respectful, and make me look a tw't sometimes... :D
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

I only gave one of the 2 spreads respect the other couldnt spread butter but thought he was faultless.....prick

I had a labourer on saturday thinking he was a spread i said go sling that wall on....lol thank god i was there to straighten it up!!!

Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

I think the same in any walk of life its not just a plastering thing and i think the lack of repect in poeple in general be it if they are older or younger is not a good thing it just what is wrong and going wrong in society well one of the many things anyway :'( ;)
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

I think the same in any walk of life its not just a plastering thing and i think the lack of repect in poeple in general be it if they are older or younger is not a good thing it just what is wrong and going wrong in society well one of the many things anyway :'( ;)

im talking about older spreads not wanting to pass the torch to younger spreads and there dissapproval of young spreads
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

I think the same in any walk of life its not just a plastering thing and i think the lack of repect in poeple in general be it if they are older or younger is not a good thing it just what is wrong and going wrong in society well one of the many things anyway :'( ;)
i agree 100 percent mate...
when i was young there was always some old(er) bloke who could get you out of the s**t every single time, i used to love talkin to em and tried to pick theyre brains whenever possible... i used to think that one day that old bloke would be me, and i'd be passin on all my little tips and secrets to the younger generation...
doesnt seem like thats gonna be the case anymore though... cept maybe on here ;)
i dunno, theyre not all bad, i was a little tosser when i was younger it just seems theres a lot of it about these days...
maybe i really am gettin old... i aint forty yet!! ;D
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

I see ::) its prolly a lack of repect with the old spread maybe they know all aspects of the trade and the young lad maybe just thinks he does , maybe the old spread has grafted he niuts off all his life and not really got know where and is a bit jelous of the the young spreads slim waist line and full head of hair a fit girlfriend.
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

I think the same in any walk of life its not just a plastering thing and i think the lack of repect in poeple in general be it if they are older or younger is not a good thing it just what is wrong and going wrong in society well one of the many things anyway :'( ;)

im talking about older spreads not wanting to pass the torch to younger spreads and there dissapproval of young spreads
end of the day mate, just because they ARE older, it doesnt automatically follow that theyre any good... my advice would be to pick someone older who you DO respect and learn from them...
I know blokes my age who just seem to think that young lads are there purely to take the p'ss out of, and thats just self centred egotistical bollox...
its a two way thing mate, i wouldnt beat myself up about it, as you get older you start to chill out more anyway so it becomes less of a problem... a lot of people take the p'ss purely cos they can see it gets to you, and that then makes you a target, brush it off and theyll get bored...
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

more than happy to af younguns working for me,problem is half of the little b8stards got no f*cking respect for ya and are right cheeky little f*ckers and think theyve got it hard,f*ck me the bags wiegh half of what they did ,self adesive skrim,boards not taped together anymore,mixing drills,autofeed guns,board props f*cking hell what do they want.
end of the day its part of the process taking all the sh*T of everybody and avin the p*ss taken out of ya allday,we had to go though it ,can even remember when i was about 17 avin me sandwichs nailed to the wall.
had a lad start with me about three years ago just got him finishing on his own,left last year to go and work at brewery for double the wage still helps us out on his days off and all the time, he always says great time working for you and admits he needed a good kick up the arse when he was younger.respect to jack the lad would give as good as good as he got.
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

just another thought matey, whenever anyone takes the piss out of someone else its only to boost theyre own ego, make them fell better about themselves by bellitling someone else... we all do it...
remember that next time someones giving you sh'te for no apparent reason..
maybe they really are jealous of u... maybe they wish they'd done what you are when they were younger...
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

says the bloke with 666 posts the day before halloween :o
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

just had s**t day in work..... ill b alright 2moro ;D
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

i'm a bit of a history buff on the quiet and i've got a quote somewhere, written 3500 yrs ago by a greek fella moaning about "the yoof of today" nothing changes! oldsters will moan about youngsters thru the generations. here endeth the lesson...
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

Theres a couple pug but heres one from Socrates

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

hats off to you sir!

the quote i've got predates socrates, but i'm too knackered this week to hunt thru my books to find it, maybe this weekend....
Re: old skool spreads generally dispise young spre

I work for 2 fairly old timers i don't think they despise all young plasterers as i am one, i think they dislike the young people in trade that don't have respect and are cheeky little cants :P
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