New Krend Silicone TC15 / TC30 thincoat render

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New Member
If you are looking for technical specifications to render onto insulation / boards / block / & other substrates as required using a thin coat render please forward any queries to me and i should be able to assist you with this,

Silicone TC is a ready to use organic resin render which is applied to provide a low maintenance textured finish. It is available in different textures and a wide variety of colours. Prior to application the substrate should be primed using Primer TC.
to render onto EPS, you will use our HP14 basecoat (6mm), with mesh embedded into this whilst wet then topcoat to use will be our TC Primer and (1.5mm or 3mm) Silicone TC thincoat render topcoat. total thickness will be 8mm - if you would like a spec please forward email address and i will sort for you.
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