Multi finish problems.

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I've been reading this thread and thought i'd dive in.....Marshall, if your for real, then id ask for your money back from your course at college. Everyday can be different using multifinish. Depends where the plaster was from, how old, one from wickes, one from b&q etc. How you mix it, how hot it is, any wind, how loud the radio is, how many times you Glued it, ( PVA that is ), how long the boards have been up. If you can get the plaster from your hawk to your trowel without it going down your stomach and trousers, then it should take no time at all to chuck it up the walls. If you work on your own, then don't knock it up too thick or sticky. Get it straight out the bucket and get it on the wall. If you have been to college for 6 months, YOU MUST be able to get the first coat on quick enough. Then you can either, use whats left in your bucket for a second coat- try feeling it to see if its going anywhere- OR chuck that away, flatten the wall quickly, ( roughly i mean, don't try and make it perfect ) dont panic, as if its mixed right etc it wont go off that quick. Then knock up some more and chuck that on. I personally give it a quick trowel once i've put the second coat on. Then clean your buckets out, and get some clean water. Then wait 15 minutes or so, touch the wall, you'll feel its not as wet as before....trowel again. Your meant to have moved the wetter stuff around to fill in bumps, lumps, dents etc....if your scraping it off, then your leading edge is too far away from the wall. The idea is to move it around as it goes hard, not scrape it off, as that means there is less plaster, so it'll dry quickly...( reminds me of my first days plastering ) DONT read whats on the back of a bag, as thats a guide, not a bible, every situation is different. If you don't know all this already, then go back to college. I learnt this in the first 2 weeks of plastering.
That sound about right to me mate ! a good thing to do though would be to check the date on the side of the bag that and how long have you had it an how did you store it ?!
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