Microcement. Water based vs resin based


New Member
Hi all,

I’ve been microcementing for a few years now, and was just wondering what microcement products other applicators are using.

I’ve used microcement that uses resin, and found it was really strong but not as easy to apply. It dries much quicker while applying it, which risks overlaps and joins in the work.

I’m currently using a microcement that you mix with water, it’s very easy to use and achieve a really nice finish, but worried it’s not as strong as the resin based stuff.

What are other people thoughts on this?
I've had a play with micro mixed with water but only on sample boards as I use a product with resin myself.What brand do you use?Also what size areas do you apply on your own?
I’ve been using a product by Matrick cement which is water based. I’ve also been using a product by AD LUCEM which is resin based and a really good material, but I find the water based microcement easier to use.

I always work with someone else so I don’t tend to apply it on my own.

What product do you use?
Hi all,

I’ve been microcementing for a few years now, and was just wondering what microcement products other applicators are using.

I’ve used microcement that uses resin, and found it was really strong but not as easy to apply. It dries much quicker while applying it, which risks overlaps and joins in the work.

I’m currently using a microcement that you mix with water, it’s very easy to use and achieve a really nice finish, but worried it’s not as strong as the resin based stuff.

What are other people thoughts on this?

Welcome along :D
I use politura made by actris. it's harder than most other micro cements as it's made with quartz and not gypsum or chalk. It comes in powder form and you just add water. The resins are already in with the powder. This is common of most just add water systems and if you look at the tech specs you will probably find the resin is already in the powder too
Yeah I've got a small amount of that to have a play around with.I had an enquiry for an outdoor patio area.Have you used it outdoors Rob?
I use politura made by actris. it's harder than most other micro cements as it's made with quartz and not gypsum or chalk. It comes in powder form and you just add water. The resins are already in with the powder. This is common of most just add water systems and if you look at the tech specs you will probably find the resin is already in the powder too

Thanks for the advice. I’ve checked the spec for the microcement and it does have resin in the powder, which is reassuring. I’m always keen to try new products though and see which I get along with most
Thanks for the advice. I’ve checked the spec for the microcement and it does have resin in the powder, which is reassuring. I’m always keen to try new products though and see which I get along with most

If you ever want to try the politura I can put you in touch with my supplier and for a small cost they can send you out a lot to try the gear and sealers out