Lime on one coat?

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Ok, a question for you all. A small job I visited today where a guy wants me to do a downstairs room to match the lime in rest of house.

So, I go and have a look at the other walls and there's a chunk of plaster on the floor where the spark has fitted a couple of extra sockets.
I look at it, and I'm certain it's one coat, with a lime skim....?


Is this a normal thing, and I'm a rouge or has he been done over by the previous builder?

Please educate me....:rolleyes)
One coat normally sticks very well to anything even high suction, paint etc so doubt it.
It could be sand and white cement or genuine lime but not adhered very well. How long ago do you think this other work was done?
Other work is about 3 years old and definitely one coat...... It's really well bonded etc, they've used it to float out, scratched it and skimmed with a nice lime top.....looks the dogs bollox on the surface, nothing wrong with it to the unfamiliar customer. Problem is, he wants me to match the 'lime' but, it's not lime....!

i wonder if the builder had priced up for lime.....otherwise my price is gonna seem a lot less attractive in comparison to the 'rest of the lime work' he had done.
It could be a thing called Fibre Lime. Is more designed for filling chases but you can use it on bigger areas but it does cost a bit. Is effectively like a one coat as you can skim with it but go up to 20mm maybe 30mm if memory serves me.

Sounds like the wall wasn't dampened down enough so there was still too much suction. As lime cured it formed the sheet like you said and had just hung there waiting to come off.

If you want the same stuff can get it from

Hope that helps.
No, the sample I have from the floor didn't fail, it's was there as the spark had chased it off the wall.

Its one doubt about that. That fibre lime seems interesting though....might have a look at that.
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