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    • W
      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      yeah I had a similar thought right after I put on the first layer. It would've definitely been a superior mechanical bond. But so far...
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      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      >Just scim it after throwing loads of insulation into the massive void above see my earlier post. Insulation goes in the cavity simply...
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      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      >The plasterboard lath sheets that you are using are no longer produced in UK. I'm using regular reed mats...
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      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      Gypsum is not ideal for soundproofing as it lacks mass. Lime plasters, earth plasters and sand/cement is much better. Mass alone won't...
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      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      It's an independent ceiling and usually, with normal ceilings, I staple reed mat to the ceiling laths, but in this case, I first tried...
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      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      I was asking you lot specifically about how to try and solve my problem. In stead 90% of you uttered garbage and a few of you just told...
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      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      as promised, some illustrations: 1. short video of a little test I did couple weeks ago to see if the material would bond well enough...
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      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      maybe that's the case for cement based renders, but like I said, clay-lime mortar bonds really well to it once it dries. I'll post some...
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      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      >Do not go ahead with your idea it's shite and will fail. No it's not. I did some test patches and once the mortar is set, the bond to...
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      Woods replied to the thread Rendering on plasterboard.
      quit being so surprised and just tell me the cheapest way to keep the render from tearing, that is, if you know of one. I'm guessing I...
    • W
      How would one best prepare plasterboard for rendering? >inb4 "you shouldn't render plasterboard" yeah I know, but it's for...
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