Knee pads

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Saw these on amazon
Screenshot_20210503-181004_Amazon Shopping.jpg
What i used to do was just use cheap lightweight uns leave them rolled down on shins then jusu pull up when needed...

Why you need em?
For when I stand on my head ........

If I kneel down. Only for right knee. I had some before but irritated skin.

I.m towing a bit with all legs really . Stiff as f**k on a night. Think I need some better foot wear

Blaklader work trouser knee pads are the really comfy - I wore Dickies before and they aren’t anywhere as good - their knee pads rode round the side of your knees during the day. I’ve been screeding the last couple of weeks and knees are fine.
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Blaklader work trouser knee pads are the really comfy - I wore Dickies before and they aren’t anywhere as good - their knee pads rode round the side of your knees during the day. I’ve been screeding the last couple of weeks and knees are fine.

can we have a picture of your knees please...for confirmation