How to mix and apply hardwall in one!

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Right I've decided to tell you this before Danny does!

Yesterdau was doing a job with Danny hardwalling a bedroom.

It was my turn to knock up so I got the bucket.
Put water in.
Poured in hardwall to just over the water.
put whisk in and turned on slowly to settle it in.
Turned off whisk
more hardwall
whsk back on bit thicker upped the speed.
needed to scrape in the dry bits from round the edge and thought I'd be clever.
reached for the bucket trowel with my left hand and kept whisk going with my right.
scraped round left side of bucket lovely.
This is where it got silly......
I reached round between me and the whisk to do right side.
dropped the trowel into the mix.
whisk got hold of it and turned it into a high speed paddle which evacuated 50% of the contents out of the bucket in about 2 seconds.
I shouted something!!!!
The hardwall was now applied to the wall.
all the walls
the window
the floor
me. from the waist down.
Danny's tool bag
Danny's radio
Danny's stand
Danny's screwdriver box
Danny's...... well everything really.
He wasn't there but returned shortly.
How we laughed.

Lesson? Move Danny's radio!!!!!!
fanbloodytastic ;D
reminds me of that mr bean clip with the paint tin and the firework... gonna have to try that whilst wearin a paper suit... :D
by god that would have got some hits on youtube...nice one!
i actually do that all the time anyway, saves puttin the wisk down, in fact i mix up like that, bag under arm, wisk in left hand, runnin...addin slowly.. thats gonna be me one day i can see it..
i got the lead to my mixer wraped round the handel till it cut the lead and the mixer went bang...
....the week be for we got my 12v mixer and put a 24v head on it..the speed option dint work it only went realy realy fast!
a was sayin how clever my girlfriend thinks she is in a diffrent post. well a stupidly let her have a go of the wisk too n she splatterd everything in sight with plaster mainly my nicely troweld up wall :o
anyone got one o them tub mixers? looks just like a giant kenwood...turn it on an leave it..
we had a labourer who was knocking up in another room forom us he was half way through a mix and stood the whisk in the bucket while he went to get another bag of plaster.The whisk and bucket fell over covering half the floor in thick slurry.He then proceeded to chuck plasterboard on top of it,a few hours later we've gone in there to find him trying to break sheets of plasterboard off the floorboards with a shovel.When we told him he was a stupid c$%t he told us he didn't think the plasterboard would stick to the plaster! priceless he didn't last long!
I once mixed up in a conservatory I was skimming using the power supply the customer had passed through the kitchen window. When I had the mix ready I started skimming the wall the window was on and the cable kept getting in the way and on my tits. Pissed off with the cable I threw it back through the window and carried on. 5 mins later there was a strange smell. The customer came running to the kitchen and found the extension lead in the washing up bowl!! It didnt blow the fuse but it certanly made the water pretty hot and melted the extension lead. I felt like a right dick. I think the customer did too cos the first thing he did was put his hands in the water to get it out!!

First things first... Thank Paul for the help yesterday

Was sole destroying job!!!

Today its all on floated up and ready for skimming tomorrow..... hmmmmmmm

DPBeds also forgot to mention me frying the lihght switch then getting a shock trying to turn it off.....happy

Todayy was a much cleaner day than yesterday, also the radio still works... covererd in hardwall mind

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