God I get some jobs

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Ok so not having a great deal of work on at the moment I decided to underquote my normal self just so I could guaruntee a job.

charged £250 to skim 2 smallish ceilings around 12 m2 in total. The kitch ceiling needed a peice of board cutting out as it had a bulg from water damage it was above a cubboard thought I would just wip the cuboard off easy......

However when I get there I realise the cuboard is grouted in to the kitchen tiles and trying to remove could really cock right up so I got my straight edge and spent about 40 mins umm an arrring about how I could lose this bulg I spoke to the customer and explained the problem he accepted and I said I will try and lose it across the ceiling so it does not catch your eye he said that would be fine. pinked the ceiling up with wickes bonding agent.

Out comes the bonding..... dicking around for another 40 mins, its almost gone now, checked with customer seemed happy enough so I then went upstairs to glue the little landing ceiling, then realised not enough dust sheets to do the stairs so my hope of slinging both ceilings on together is dissapearing fast.

What i forgot to mention about this kitchen is that it was full of clutter and had a huge center work top right in the middle of the room was right in the way, 6 dust sheets in their and I still did not have enough for the bloody tiled floor.

So at about 13:00 I started slapping ceiling on went ok other than having no room to move and twatting my elbows on freezers all on troweled up by 4 now I had to clean down, normally the customer woouold come in and so dont worry love you crack I will do that for you.... no chance on this one 5 oclock I ready to start toshing the landing on, this got a 1 hit wonder and came out perfect.... I was very surprised.

loaded the van up and I was gone..... got a phone call today can I come and skim the rest of the house the joy!!


PS sorry about language
damm dont you just hate jobs like that!!

know how you feeling with the kitchen we had one like this while ago, center island makes you need 4 times the dust sheets as normal a right pain in the backside.

lucky there was no clutter there though, thats very annoying also.

still if your busy now you can just add the cost of the hassle onto the rest of there house ;) lol
i quoted 250 last week to skim 3 artex ceilings, 2 of which had water damage..
i said 250 cos i could get 2 in one....one was the bathroom though...
bloke said i was 'the most competetive to now'
still aint rang back though...
you really must have a gift danny...
Is it sound to skim over water damaged board even when it's dried out, does bonding sort that then or would you fling in a few screws first?
Sounds like six and a half a dozen either nip out and get a couple more dust sheets or grin and bear it and save face, same time spent there ;)
I think ya came up trumps Danny,!
Another day another monkey $ ;D
well id normally go on how bad it is few more screws wont hurt at all but i never bond em out first cos that adds extra weight.... if i dont think itll take it ill tell em and leave it... its the water damage artex that worries me more..nowt like an entire bucket of semi solid skim comin down on your head!
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