getting paid

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every time i do price work i reckon i end up getting screwed or delayed payments .....on a scale of 1(no payment) - 10(paid 100%) how do you all get on ?
i reckon im on about a 7
I am working for a company at the mo and at this minute am owed £8.000 in a few weeks when i finish the job it'll be £ 13.500 my first invoice was presented 40 days ago and no sign of a penny

Spainish word hell Rich ,i wouldnt let it go that far without seeing some of there money :o
You know why, don't you? It's because they hate to see subbies earning decent money. I did some work for a right c**t during the last recession. I had about 4-5 weeks on price, earning between £600 & £800 a week, and when he got wise to it, he put me on £6 an hour daywork. Needless to say I f**k*d off shortly after.
The man is a multi multi millionaire who own's well over 100 houses in plymouth each one converted into flats, he owns maybe the same amount in exeter and the surrounding areas,also a large printing firm and office blocks.

He has the money so there is no problem there but he waits until your ringing night and day to get the money. His attitude stinks its the old " if you dont like it f u c k off " attitude and he gives me lots of work every year so what can i do ????

its always the same the contracts managers who think they are on a good wage usually 40-50k hate seeing lads putting a grand a week in they dont like the lads being on more money than them they never think of the times when the same lads arnt workint for a few weeks or take no notice when your on a wank job and struggling to pull 400 a week
i hope you get youre money it still early days yet? ....tony it sums it up mate i think they forget we were on site at 5am till 7pm .....a grand a week pays the bills and holidays its not excessive money any more
If think you got good advice from some of the other guys rich,get your money in,personally i wouldnt let it get that far ahead especially as the bank pulled my buisness overdraft from £7500 to £2500 overnight 3 weeks ago without warning for NO reason.
Once the debt gets above i think its £4500 you cant go throught the small claims court so then it gets very very expensive to retrieve.
If this guy is a buisnessman and you do work a lot for him....dont go in all guns blazzing but just explain you need to feed your kids and you want whats owed NOW before you go bust.They do try it on at times bast***s
I know they will pay, I had a right moan to the foreman today about it, they are taking liberties for sure but its not just me its the sparks, plumbers etc as well. As I said before they have a like it or lump it attitude which i hate but its as it says like it or lump it!.

I had a letter from the bank today saying I havent paid in for a while so have to call them tomorrow.

richardbrown said:
The man is a multi multi millionaire who own's well over 100 houses in plymouth each one converted into flats, he owns maybe the same amount in exeter and the surrounding areas,also a large printing firm and office blocks.

He has the money so there is no problem there but he waits until your ringing night and day to get the money. His attitude stinks its the old " if you dont like it f u c k off " attitude and he gives me lots of work every year so what can i do ????

Its always the same with the big money men. I priced a job 4 1 a couple of months back £1100 to skim a whole flat, he said he's been quoted £700 if I can beat that the jobs mine, told him in a polite way 2 go an screw im fed up not hard up.
The guy i work for always gets prices from every tom dick and harry, im lucky on this one though cause i priced 200 metres of hardwall @ £10 a square and they battened it and boarded it so all i have to do is skim it but get the £10 s/m .


richardbrown said:
The guy i work for always gets prices from every tom dick and harry, im lucky on this one though cause i priced 200 metres of hardwall @ £10 a square and they battened it and boarded it so all i have to do is skim it but get the £10 s/m .



nice one rich rub it in why dont ya hjkhkiyuigjkhjkhiuyhyuiyiser £4 a sq erserssftyfjgoui;ljlj;lj
always make clear payment terms before you start, a contract will normally allow 30 days but the law of the land says an official debt is a payment that is 60 days overdue. most companies know this and maybe at the mo it is in their interest to leave payments as long as they can before you can get the old debt recovery involved. I know some contractors who have had to stop trading because they have not been paid by any of their clients and cannot afford to fund new jobs.
dont start till tomorrow rich but from what i know about the job ill be able to make it pay as long as i average 50sq a day ill be alright and with the light nights an site open till 8 i should be able to do more just have to hit it hard while i can
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