Fresh Browning coat thirsty !

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New Member
I've finished plastering the walls of the lounge with Browning. I didn't manage to skim over with multi-finish straight after plastering with browning. I've left the browning for 3 days and when I went to skim over it, it dried the multi-finish, virtually within around 10 seconds despite soaking the wall with water 3 times prior to skimming ! I've also tried to dilute the multi-finish but had the the same result.

Is this normal ?

Would you rather wait until the Browning is completely dry, then PVA 1 in 5 overnight and then 1 in 3 prior to skimming to seal the wall and preventing it from sucking the water out?

Is it safe to PVA the wall now or rather leave the fresh undercoat plaster to dry out completely ? What's the average drying time for browning around 12-13mm thick ?

I don't like to PVA over fresh backing plaster.
If it's dried as you say I'd either use water (it takes s*** loads you have to really soak the wall til it's running down then let it go damp) or WBA or the like.
Leave wba to dry overnight before skimming.
On my last float and set job, I was worried about drying too quick so I horsed loads of water on then rolled unibond.... it was hanging perfect

Beeen working on trying to finish my kit car.... rolling road next weekend.

Off the beer (well only in pubs ect) for a few weeks so buggy is the perfect situation to keep me

when a was training a was always told by my assesor to pva the walls after doing browning n a always found that the plaster went on fine
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