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ive been to look at a job and its distemper the customers willing to put a bit of elbow grease in so is it wash the walls down as well as poss to get it off and use the stabilizer over the top?......what is the stabilizer where do you get it from and is it bondit or similar over the top ?
stabilex, made by artex. i aways pva it after. no need to scrub it prior either.
your local diy centre will sell it....... its a clear solution. apply it with a paint brush. make sure u buy interior stabalising solution... it should cost u £12 for 5 litres i use the everbuild stuff. then when its dry pva and skim
done one earlier this year scraped distemper off stabiliser then pva'd and skimmed , no problems it just takes a bit longer for your pva to go sticky
i give it a bit of a scrape, just to get any loose or flakey paint or paper etc, i've never scrubbed it
will let you know ......rang the customer tonight ' yeh ive done a bit of research just slap it on ' ;D
try scraping it first, if comes off easy then scrape the rest off. if not just satablize it.

what i have done in the past is rolled dilute pva on the distemper and it'll soften the surface then u can scrape it off, but really messy.

i dont think ive come across distepmer or whiting that hasnt been painted with emulsion. if it has been painted with emulsion i would recomend you scrape it off or reboard.

also is the surface lime based
its a very old building so id imagine so unless its been reskimmed .........the walls were covered in wallpaper and lining paper when i saw the job and luckily the customer told me there was distemper underneath :-\
the distemper/whiting ive come across was painted on a bg based plaster....they reckon u should use alkaline resisting primer on distemper but it aint cheap.
did you find out where to buy it from mate and how much?..........fingers crossed its over the old lime mortar
ha....... sound to me like there's gona be a few extras on this job.

u want to look in your local familiy run diy centre's they always seem to sell it in those types of shops. i havnt seen it in b&q before. u can buy of the internet for £12, ill put a link up for u.
Dulux do a good Stabilising solution, I used some on a job last week, then put some thistle Bond-it over the top. Skimmed up a treat. B and Q don't do it, I went and asked last week......
your local diy centre will sell it....... its a clear solution. apply it with a paint brush. make sure u buy interior stabalising solution... it should cost u £12 for 5 litres i use the everbuild stuff. then when its dry pva and skim

is there much difference between the exterior and interior stabilising solutions? I been using the wickes exterior one (they don't do an interior one) on lime reskims with gypsum and it's been fine. Gonna use it on distemper tomorrow - so I'll let yous know if it plays up or does the job.
i know this post is a bit old so hoping for a reply got an ols ceiling with distemper its solid but got cracks shall i stabilize first then fill cracks then skim and should i scrub it with sugar soap first??
if it's still got traces of paste on, i'd sugar soap it off quick, only takes 5/10 mins

tape it, stabilise it, let it soak in and dry, then pva (1:3) and skim
ignore that, dunno why i thought it was papered.

just stabilise it, then pva

stabiliser's worked fine with distemper for me
sweet it used to have old ceiling tiles on it theu came off easy as did the linning paper its just the ceiling now all powdery any particular ratio of pva/ and what stabiliser worked for you mate
the beard
i've been diluting stabiliser, but recently I've been putting it on neat or just a little bit of water, let that soak in and dry then a 1:3 or even stronger of pva

I've only used the wickes exterior one, but others work like sandtex. it's clear btw
could you really do it quicker? knocking all them bits out to find the joists would take the same time as rolling some stabiliser and then some pva
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