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New Member
hi guys just skimmed a wall of which i had put a coat of bonding on the day b4 ... i give it 2 coats of pva 1st coat let dry 2nd coat to tacky then skimmed it but the whole wall came out in the dreaded air bubbles ... any ideas has to why or how to elimate this ... my pva was mixed at 4-1 ... wall turned out fine in the end but had a few anxious moments
Thats the way it gos sometimes with the bonding, secert is not to panic sometimes you dont get these bubbles out till final trowel, giving it a really tight 2 coats of skim will help
so its quite common then steve . your right they mostly came out on the final trowel ... any ideas wot causes it ?????
Thats you problem then you shouldnt devil float bonding it creates air between the coats and you get bubbles just smooth it in then skim it you will find it goes in alot better
Was going to suggest multi i usually use carlite finish , still get the bubbles,never tried multi yet as long as the finished wall looks alright thats the main thing lad ;)
Was going to suggest multi i usually use carlite finish ,  still get the bubbles,never tried multi yet as long as the finished wall looks alright thats the main thing lad ;)

Can you still get carlitee finish? havent seen it for years
yeh deffinately one of those will it wont it sort of scenarios ............you can massage them out, you need to hold youre trowel really flat to the wall and just mash them up really ......it helps aswell to stay behing half hour and slice them off with your trowel or give it a couple of good hard cross trowels
Was going to suggest multi i usually use carlite finish ,  still get the bubbles,never tried multi yet as long as the finished wall looks alright thats the main thing lad ;)

Can you still get carlitee finish? havent seen it for years

Yes bod lad thats all we get over here northern ireland at builders or b+q dont stock anything else its dead on s+c and board but pure s##t for reskims , i hear all this talk bout multi so i wouldnt mind trying it on my reskims but cant get it , we can get thistle finish in homebase here thats good but twice the price :-?
If you scratch any backing plasters with a devil float the nails should'nt be too deep it just needs a light scoring because it will hold the plaster, Sand and cement however is different it needs to be deviled deeper and scratched more because of the lack of suction due to using waterproofer.
If you get bubbles appearing when skimming over bonding then it's possible it was too wet and the bubbles are actually water.
I always step back if i get bubbles and leave it 10 min then try again. You can spend ages playing with them trying tto get rid when if you leave it a bit you won't have to.
I also always devil undercoats for the key but no more than 3mm deep
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