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Redundancy has thrust me full circle, apprentice at 16, subbing at 20 for 10 years, then got offered a job in Ford plant, unfortunately in 2 weeks time the gates will close for the last time and at 50 years of age I'm stocked with voltarol and ibuprofen ready for a few years back plastering. I've never stopped doing a bit luckily, even had little business out side of work at one point but became unmanageable. I'm obviously old school, s**t hot at render and set and all kinds of crazy stuff, but am no doubt going to get asked sooner or later for some fancy new render, which I do by hand and my knowledge is limited, and I think I'm starting to get on local suppliers nerves with all my questions tbh, (he deals mainly in parex, so I'm always directed to parex. he had me fine down a pine end in parmurex, awful), I get plenty of advice from reading through here, heres hoping for a lot lot more.

I'm fully booked until Christmas, and first 2 jobs are compete outsides, I've talked both into using s+c
Redundancy has thrust me full circle, apprentice at 16, subbing at 20 for 10 years, then got offered a job in Ford plant, unfortunately in 2 weeks time the gates will close for the last time and at 50 years of age I'm stocked with voltarol and ibuprofen ready for a few years back plastering. I've never stopped doing a bit luckily, even had little business out side of work at one point but became unmanageable. I'm obviously old school, s**t hot at render and set and all kinds of crazy stuff, but am no doubt going to get asked sooner or later for some fancy new render, which I do by hand and my knowledge is limited, and I think I'm starting to get on local suppliers nerves with all my questions tbh, (he deals mainly in parex, so I'm always directed to parex. he had me fine down a pine end in parmurex, awful), I get plenty of advice from reading through here, heres hoping for a lot lot more.

I'm fully booked until Christmas, and first 2 jobs are compete outsides, I've talked both into using s+c
Top tip using parex . Were a good mask and dont touch ye face

I’ve potentially got same ,a guy I know coming back into plaster world after thinking he’d never do it ever again.
Hope it goes well mate all I’d say is stick to what you find easy and enjoy
Redundancy has thrust me full circle, apprentice at 16, subbing at 20 for 10 years, then got offered a job in Ford plant, unfortunately in 2 weeks time the gates will close for the last time and at 50 years of age I'm stocked with voltarol and ibuprofen ready for a few years back plastering. I've never stopped doing a bit luckily, even had little business out side of work at one point but became unmanageable. I'm obviously old school, s**t hot at render and set and all kinds of crazy stuff, but am no doubt going to get asked sooner or later for some fancy new render, which I do by hand and my knowledge is limited, and I think I'm starting to get on local suppliers nerves with all my questions tbh, (he deals mainly in parex, so I'm always directed to parex. he had me fine down a pine end in parmurex, awful), I get plenty of advice from reading through here, heres hoping for a lot lot more.

I'm fully booked until Christmas, and first 2 jobs are compete outsides, I've talked both into using s+c