Artex ceilings

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New Member
I've been given a housefull of artex ceilings to do. They all look nice and flat, no cracks with high points of only about 2 - 3 mm - look alright really just that the guy's bought the house and dosen't like artex... so i'm not complaining!
I've given them the finger test and there's no powder, they're all painted with a silk emulsion..... so is it safe to just pva and skim, or should i use something else?
Cheers for any feedback, i've never skimmed over artex before and ain't really sure what to do here.
Scrape as flat as poss and use bonding agent as opposed to pva. Very rarely use pva on artex ceilings now, so much easier. Will need to leave few hrs to dry but worth wait IMHO. Put decent first coat on flatten out and top any problem areas, let first tighten up then apply 2nd coat as norm. Should give you good finish! ;)
If you've got a few to do you could put bonding agent on all the ceilings then just make your way round skimming them.
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