Are any Trowels now made from Sheffield steel


New Member
As the title suggests , I used to have a Marshall town Sheffield steel trowel but since it switched to Chinese steel can't naturally sharpen the trowel. Just wondering if any are still made from the good stuff?
Yeah I've got a 14" MT I've been using for 12 months but just doesn't seem to be sharpening and leaving a bit of a tiger stripe on the wet trowel, I'll keep on with it though
That’s good to know, it’s not good the amount of manufacturing base we have lost
I always thought it would be good to do like a write up about it all , if @Danny ever had the time could do history of production of tyzack s and how they changed , might even start a revival from the company as loads imo would want to buy the trowels if they reverted back to how they were made maybe
Or even a 2018 updated version of the old ones
Sounds like a f**k**g Warburton advert....I remember when bread was proper bread in a place they call each other duck! I'm not surprised they shut the factory down someone probably forgot to duck and got decapitated:LOL::bananas:
I always thought it would be good to do like a write up about it all , if @Danny ever had the time could do history of production of tyzack s and how they changed , might even start a revival from the company as loads imo would want to buy the trowels if they reverted back to how they were made maybe
Or even a 2018 updated version of the old ones
All the history of Tyzack, WHS and Brades trowels form Sheffield is on the net.