am i the only yank?

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Nope there are a few knocking about :)

Welcome :)

Do you do much plastering over the way bit of the world?
Howdy skim daaaaawg! Nope there's the guy who works in Paris .... aargh someone help me out! What's his name? Nice bloke
Welcome along, there are a few American chaps knocking about on here somewhere!! @Loren is one of i remember right and from the West coast i think and also a guy from Texas


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yall see the guy fixing the wall that had a coat hook board on it..... had no skills and did demo with a brush....... we call that a hack in the states
@Heritage Plasters is Usa , he linked me up with ordering all my curry trowels from America, top guy , think he was or did order a speedskim too from U.K. highly recommended , and probably the first guy in USA to have one if he did

Yeee haaah

do companies hire international like they hire state to state in the us? I mean like to travel for work?
Welcome Rendog,

There are a few of us Americans here. I'm from NY but live in NC now. Nice to get plaster ideas from Europe since info and tools are a little hard to come by on this side of the world. Not impossible, just harder.