advertising and a small tip

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hiya guys hope your all busy? my advert campaigns goin slow here in wales but i;ll keep on gettin it out there!!
got a small tip for ya lads just in case some of ya aint seen or heard of it or aint doin it already.
trowelin up(wet trowelin) instead of the traditional way of puttin your water up the wall with a massive decorators brush and a bucket of water which can sometimes throw loose bristles up ur wall(pain in the ass) as well as leave u with a puddle at the bottom of it! wat i do is get 2 or 3 empty washin up bottles and fill them with water and use those, its more precice u can squirt in2 every nook and cranny u can use as little or as much as u want and if u do start runnin out u just fill em up and away u go and it also means ur usin clean water up ur wall all the time! and u dont get a charlie dimmock water feature in ur customers house! this is a great idea for guys just startin up as well because if u;v left ur wall to go off a bit too far its easy to squirt lots of water directly onto it and bring it bak without soakin the place!! give it a go chaps it works a treat.. and u;ll also be well popular with parents and partners etc now cus ur all gonna dash out and buy washin up liquid for the bottles and offer to do everybodys washin up to get em emptied! everyones a winner!! 8-)
I have a little squirty bottle I use.... does the job,

A brush is good for site work very quick and less strain on the hands

im still tryin 2 work out that measurin up method?? height x width= square mtre divided by 9??? lol its not workin for me somehow that?? im gettin abt nine figure answers??? a wall 57" x 47" has just took abt 900 bags of finish?? lol lol never was any good at maths tho lol..
Length X Height gives you Metres squared, then divide this figure by 9 this gives the amount of bags needed. Thats how I work it.
I've a squirty I use too. Mine is more of a fine spray like what a hair dresser would use.

Chawnz is right, measure the wall/ceiling in metres and centemetres then its width x height which gives you the over all size of a wall/ceiling in metres squared then divide by 9. This gives you the amount of bags you'll need. Sorted!

basically on the bag of finish it says it covers 10m2 but due to wastage you know 10% off which gives you 9m2

when using backing plaster do the same maths and I think its divide but 3.5 as opposed to 9. but this one does vary as the depth you sling it on.

One job I did I worked out i needed 10 bags of hardwall as in fact it was about 25..... damn that was hard work.

so does that amount do both coats?

Just guessed before!

For example 10m x 3m ceiling to do next week. I reckon 5-6 bags for 2 coats.

If I do 10x3/9=3.3 (or 4 really cos travis perkins don't like you opening their bags apparently) do you reckon that'll do both coats?
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