110v help

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Looking for some technical help regarding running 110v stuff. We have a 110v ritmo and have to use the chunky 110v wires otherwise it's internal fuse blows ( not sure why???)

Anyways I'm trying to run the Ritmo 16a, water pump 16a and air compressor off our genny together. It's 7kva so think it's up to the job however onoh has one 16a outlet so I need to split it.

Here lies my problem, every splitter I use has caused the internal fuse to blow in the Ritmo just like when we use small cables?

Does anyone know of a splitter that's up to the job?
Hi steve first what size compressor are you trying to use . if its your fitted compressor you still need thicker cable but you can split between the ritmo and small fitted compressor at the in put socket on the machine and then run water pump on its own lead to the generator . if your using 15 cfm compressor i dont think a 7kva is up to the job to run all your links . the reason you use the thicker cable is is to stop the voltage drop this there for keeps your amps low .
Hi Les, yer I'm trying to run the bigger compressors. It can run the Ritmo and big compressor fine it's when I split the 16a for the water pump I'm getting issues. It won't run even the Ritmo and the water pump of the split 16a socket. It blows the internal ritmo 110 fuse like if we use skinny cables to power it. I'm thinking the internals of the splitter are not up to the job.
Oh I by passed the valve we broke( Muppets) and it runs sweet. We have all the air we need. Sprayed base coat 3mm fine :)
Normal renders only e.g. Mono, dpi

Refina for skim

Clarke peh15 for thin coat base and acrylic top ( still playing with these, need a big job but the potential is excellent)
Petrol powered compressor maybe? We spray base coat with the gentlin compressor ok, it has the two tanks like the pft one.
10mm decorative nozzle for base like maite, 8.5 speed 150 water, air at regulator 3 bar, compressor keeps up and all seems fine.
Thinking about it I did adjust the air tank switch to fill tanks and stop at 8bar I think it was set at 4/5 originally, hope this helps.
Dunno if it helps, compressors should have a short lead and a long air line due to voltage drop as mentioned.
Air tank switch? I sprayed Painter today with it and all was ok :RpS_tongue:

Speed 5 Water 150
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