Recent content by cooptaza

  1. C

    Detached rendered house, kango and replaster

    Thinking that. Cheers pal. Lets hope the key is good when I have it off. Would you recommend a slurry coat or eml for a key before scratch coat
  2. C

    Rendering over painted render

    whats parex guys,
  3. C

    Detached rendered house, kango and replaster

    Guys, have any of you ever been requested to strip of a rendered smooth house and re-plastered. The Plaster is badly cracking all over (hazing) and is boast in a lot of parts. The customer wants it stripped off with a kango and a new scratch coat and a rubbed up smooth render coat, Is there an...
  4. C

    speedskim st600 blade

    Does anyone actually use a Marshal town only all the way through. I think I might start off with a Nela trowel and maybe go for the other tools later. At what stage should I use a Nela s*p*r*lex
  5. C

    Raised base

    Definitely looks better than a normal 45 degree base. Pity there wasn't a tool designed for cutting it.
  6. C


    What size is it. Do you use it on the last trowel
  7. C

    Raised base

    Could be onto something. A new base invented. Might try this on the next house. That will look good when its painted.
  8. C

    More crazing

    For me it happens when there is too much cement in the miX
  9. C

    Stolen tools

    Send Danny after the them. If he cant find them chuck Norris has no chance
  10. C

    Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

    Imagine chuck Norris landed on this site reading this thread. He be crapping himself if he met Danny
  11. C

    Wee vid

    When I seen 2 ladies I though no chance. But they did great. Some creeps out there would pay to watch it too.$$$$
  12. C

    Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

    I heard Danny shits TPF mugs
  13. C

    Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

    Thats how Danny rolls into the building site at the time of his liking
  14. C

    Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

    When Danny is on the tools he has chuck Norris on speed dial for a standby labourer