@ media wall

brothers chuckle GIF
Going to crack on with this tomorrow....

Parts .

:fish tank fire @greatfires (best to have this on job (for reference)
:cls timber.
: plasterboard
.thin coat beads
:No tv ....measurement for 50inch tv
Going to crack on with this tomorrow....

Parts .

:fish tank fire @greatfires (best to have this on job (for reference)
:cls timber.
: plasterboard
.thin coat beads
:No tv ....measurement for 50inch tv
What if the fire boils the water in the fish tank m8 not good will kill the fishes
I've often thought that metal would be best for these. I can't imagine trying to find enough straight, dry timber at the merchants.

That’s where the plastering skills come in :coffe:

I calculate that in 3-4 yrs time, there may be a shift in the top left hand corner on my mates inset tv, so I deliberately plastered it on the scunt.
