Yorkshires gold

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Multi troweld up mint today

Yeh guy in bnq Crewe told me same, aint there old bags of unifjnsh n multi they can recyle again
We dont want that crap in the boards they are bad enough to cut already.
I think i am going to take up painting they are pinching a living.
Plasterboard is going to be in short supply so i was told in travis perkins.
I was skimming some boards yesterday and it really dawn on me how s**t it is compared to skimming backing plaster. Think I.m gonna try and blag customers in to It from now on but every f**k**s and there dog seems dead set on having boards
I was skimming some boards yesterday and it really dawn on me how s**t it is compared to skimming backing plaster. Think I.m gonna try and blag customers in to It from now on but every f**k**s and there dog seems dead set on having boards

Tight coat of bonding60 over the boards
I was skimming some boards yesterday and it really dawn on me how s**t it is compared to skimming backing plaster. Think I.m gonna try and blag customers in to It from now on but every f**k**s and there dog seems dead set on having boards
You just can't beat skimming over cured S&C.