Would you go back to the milf


Active Member
On a job skimming and the old lady of the house running about in a nighty. Just happen to let the boob slip out as she was chatting. I got outta there and took a half day.

Forgot my skimming trowel too. Ever happen to any of u
Go back for the trowel and if she gives you any signs that shes up for it nail her ....and get some pics up :p
When I was but a young lad, just starting out labouring,....the boss took on a small extension and a bit of a reskim. He knew the chap who owned the place and his wife, willowy looking thing that loved a bit of flirting. Hot weather, and hubby working away whilst job was going on....willowy wife doing gardening and such with a pair of cut off jeans on and a mans shirt tied up at the tits....getting the picture? She was all kneeling and bending and " phew, isn't it hot" ...all over the place, and me....mixing up, didn't know where to look.....blushing when she brought out drinks.......staring at her arse.....
We finished up and she was effervescent with her thanks.
A day or two later the boss left me clearing up....."he'd just be a short while"...
Found out later he knobbed her....
So did the painter....
And the bricky...
Real eye opening stuff for a youth.....lol.
Happens all the while, just get in there but make sure the hubby isn't SAS cos that plays on the mind.
Mate of mine was in the marines, he and his mates used to try and shag sailors wives when the blokes were at sea........as a "bit of fun" they'd try to put a calling card marked with a commando dagger in a suit or uniform pocket......just for a laugh.....
On a job skimming and the old lady of the house running about in a nighty. Just happen to let the boob slip out as she was chatting. I got outta there and took a half day.

Forgot my skimming trowel too. Ever happen to any of u
Still Don t understand??? Boobs oot!..and you "got outta there":muyenojado:
Would you go back to the milf

Put the address up I'm sure a few of us would help you get your trowel back.

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