Why'd this happen.

I've always been a pva man but was hearing good reports on the thistle bond so started using it on some jobs. I was the one that said to the client to get it in and labourer rolled it on before the plasterer came in to skim it a day or two later.

If it was the thistle bond that failed, whats baffling me is why did the skim come loose of the bonding on one wall and the bonding bonded to the TB

Maybe rapid dry out is why the skim came loose mate
This is everbuild pva,,,, note do not use in areas of constant dampness, which can be bathrooms with no fan, windows shut. Other areas, some other pvas will no doubt say same if you find spec.

▪ Do not use in areas of constant damp or externally.
Do not use for sticking plastics or where both sur-
faces are non-porous.

▪ Do not use for sealing garage floors.
When used as a wood adhesive, do not use on load
bearing applications (chairs/beds etc) or in areas of
high humidity – Use EVERBUILD 502 WEATHER-

When used as a primer, use on porous surfaces only
and do not make stronger than stated dilution as po-
tential incompatibility problems may occur with
emulsion paints (cracking etc).

▪ Do not use below 10°C.
It is always the user’s responsibility to determine
suitability of use. If in doubt contact technical
32 years experience tells me different.