Which modern renders?

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Hi all...

I've been rendering for 2 years now sand/cement/lime traditional...but now want to offer modern premix options to my customers...

I want to offer them a choice sand/cement/lime premix and a mono silicone premix that can be hand applied.

Theres so many brands available Krend, Weber, Parex, Wetherby, SAS etc I don't know where to start!

What would you recommend? ::)
We are finding k-rend is discolouring round our way switched to parex it is much nicer and have no probs
look at doin monocouche - nice colours and no painting required once the3 job is done.
parex is good and you can pick weber up from almost anywhere, they also have bagged morter that is used instead of sand and cement if you want a smooth finish or you can apply acrylic finish over it to give another option to your customers.
God it's like I've got dyslexia! Different language! ;D So many different names and it means bugger all, I'd like to know like FreeD how to get on with these babies by hand application. Are they as easy to use as s&c? I take it they are all pretty much the same stuff just different brand names and slightly different make up depending on type of surface to be applied?
ziggy a few years ago we did a mono couche job. i was only labouring then. the lads had never used it before so the customer asked a rep to come out. by the time he came they'd already had a go and the only thing they never did was go over it with a soft brush after they finished it. theyre philosphy is its all plaster. just goes on in different thicknesses and is finished in a different way. not to sure myself i always like someone who knows what they are doing to show me.
same stuff really ziggy dont matter if you plaster it on or spray it on. domestically prob better trowelled on depending on how big the jiob. all brand are more or less the same some just apply better than others etc etc etc
Cheers, it seems like alchemy, I'm with Steve like to see someone doing it and away you go, suppose once you've had a go it's same old same old!
How are these renders holding up after a few years of wear and tear ? and will these render company's still be around to support there product in say 5 years ?
they can last for years church when done with care, such as using fibre mesh within when going onto newly constructed or blockwork, some (depending on the location) can suffer from discolouration or mold/fungals. thats why i sometimes use an ocr/mortar than apply an acrylic or silicone bucket finish. I much prefer to sand and cement altough sand cement with lime still has its place.
silicone bucket renders especially as a domestic finish is a much under-tapped resource. Most plasterers havent heard of it let alone the general public.
yes they can be hand applied, you can apply roughcast but depends on the product. monocouche is scraped back and leaves a sort of pitted or buff type of texture. what sort of roughcast finish are you after?
pwi said:
We are finding k-rend is discolouring round our way switched to parex it is much nicer and have no probs
Are you sprayin that on or hand applying pwi? and is it the same idea as k-rend i presume?
goody said:
silicone bucket renders especially as a domestic finish is a much under-tapped resource. Most plasterers havent heard of it let alone the general public.

So how do you price it to the public , sell it to the public and grantee it ? is it just a case of making money and running or what ?
you'd think modern renders only have a place for newbuid...........I was on a job where we did an old farmhouse with primo base rend L then a sprayed acrylic heavy grain finish in lobster pink! Was the sexiest and best modern 'roughcast ' type finish I've ever seen and worked a treat against the oak windows, stone and slate. Thin coat is the way forward imho
Put more than 40 bags on by hand FreeD and you know you did a days work, thats why machines are prevailing with render. These new renders are a lot tougher on the shoulder than s&c, imo the nicest to use by hand is k-rend e grade, it comes out of buckets when you're loading out easier than all the others and doesn't stiffen up as quick so give a less stressful day, you can put s&c on all day long but with these polymer modified renders it's a different story.
goody said:
you'd think modern renders only have a place for newbuid...........I was on a job where we did an old farmhouse with primo base rend L then a sprayed acrylic heavy grain finish in lobster pink! Was the sexiest and best modern 'roughcast ' type finish I've ever seen and worked a treat against the oak windows, stone and slate. Thin coat is the way forward imho

That does sound very nice and im very impressed but what happens if things go tits up ?who is giving some sort of garenntee on using new products on old buildings? After all the customer needs some sort of back up dont they
krend conrend is nice to put on by hand it dont stiffen up as much but parex is the best
Didn't realise they were harder to apply than sand and cement...i've considered a machine but not sure that I could make it pay for itself on domestic at mo...marmorit are local to me maybe i'll give them a call and discuss the options
church you can get modern renders that are specified for going onto old buildings, they adhere the same as sand and cement would and if you apply to the manufacturers book they will back a material warranty but with any job the contractor must take responsibility for quality workmanship, if ever i had a problem i would put it right myself just the same as if i had done with a sand and cement job. same as really no greater risk of a modern render going wrong as an older render imo. but its users preference i suppose
Deisel power last few k-rend jobs were by hand but what we are having probs with is its turning green I'm right beside the coast so don't no if its the saulty water or what just found parex doesn't have this problem so for an easier life we just use it where in scotland you based I'm in sw
Just out of interest you hear loads of stories of silicon rotting in the likes of k-rend is there any info to back this up
I find the main prob with mono is the staining green sh1te growing on it (sometimes) but i never seen this with a bucket finish job
poor detailing of overhangs, gutters etc. doesn't help with monocouche staining. It stands to reason though that anything with a textured surface ie sandstone sills discolours after a while. Same with mono. For the ultimate blend of modern render performance and long term durability(not to mention colour choice and anti-crack properties) thin-coat renders are where it's at. If you consider that they are made for external wall insulation and also for cement boards on timber frame builds and couple this with their use on a base coat for renovation in the domestic market the their use is bound to grow.
pwi said:
Deisel power last few k-rend jobs were by hand but what we are having probs with is its turning green I'm right beside the coast so don't no if its the saulty water or what just found parex doesn't have this problem so for an easier life we just use it where in scotland you based I'm in sw

Argyll mate, yep havin same problem here with the algae growth but it washes off . The wet dash isn't discolourin so much but tryin to stay away from that s**t as lots of years of throwing that on has aged me an extra twenty years..
Cleans off no probs but spoke to andy craig at k-rend and he assures me that the problem is now fixed they have now put an algie inhiboter in with the render
church said:
Render Systems said:
well i have used them all and i recon parex monorex is the best

Can you give some reasons why RS ?
well it doesnt seen to stiffen up as quick as others and easier to use, when i have used k-rend and weber it just doesnt feel the same... may be just me but im sticking to parex

for the lads here that think mono is a nightmare... its not that bad but be prepared to work late I have a few videos on mono on you tubehave a look here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r5TeoKHe1g
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