What van does everyone drive?.

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New Member
Just interested in seeing what van everyone drives.I had to sell my shiny BMW 6 months ago to buy a Vivarro.
Nowt in there at all mate. Ghost town. Give it a few weeks and it should liven up a bit, your not missing anything at the moment ;)
Citreon C15......

....Stop laughing! >:(

Bought it for 900 quid 3 years ago, and its never ever gave me a problem. Paintwork is still spotless and its only done 45 thousand miles, despite it being an old P reg. And its yellow. :D
They dont miss me coming!
i got a traffic matalic black big shiny wheels looks good..so good i dnt wanna sign write on it!
Bought me self an 07 plate mwb tranny for the genny and machine, great van put about £80 a week in it in diesel
Im travelling to Liverpool every day good on the juice.
I have an 98 escort van..... now you laugh..... its straight no rot and best of all I paid £250 and found £30 in change on the floor. it had only done 70k fulll history.... that was 2 years ago now, only spent a little on it like brakes tyres ect, done me proud.....lol

Sold me Beemer for £7k ??? and bought the Vivarro for £3200,80k miles,no rust,drives like a dream and looks s**t hot!!!!
I've got a '97' escort van

Good little run eventhough its just cost me £400 to get it through its MOT

Loads of room in the back and l can get atleast 6 boards 8x4 on the rack

I was running around in a transit connect a few weeks good to drive but no room in the back after l put my gear in l could anly squeeze about 4 or 5 bags in the back and that meant all my stuff was pilled up
99 Ford Fiesta Courier for me.
Picked it up for £250 and it cost another £150 to get it through the MOT.
78k,No rust and starts first time every time.
renault kangoo...........too small .........nothing special, i had a courier billy and it was a lot more comfy.it was bright red ;D.....postman pat postman pat .......postman pat and his.............
trusty vauxhall combo 117,000 ont he clock and running a treat, tho i think its had a new engine at somepoint as it has cam belt 89k written on it which suggests its either out of an old van and had the belt changed at 89,000miles yet i dunno what the actualy mileage on the engine is :S... or.... it had the camberlt changed at 89k and they jsut thought they'd write it on the engine to remind themselves.... either way it starts straight away even in this freezing weather, lovely jubbley, plenty of room for you and a lady friend just aslong as you lay diagonal and bend your knees a bit, big boards go on the rack 8)
transit 90, ex rac. 03 plate for £2000 with full service history and shitloads of extras. no flashing lights, though. but the bright orange gets you noticed.
t reg transit its a old BT van ben looked after loves the taste of diesal thow. could do with a smaller one like dannys
just bought a lwb semi hightop transit need a big van to transport my machine, i did have a vivaro on an 02 plate and after it done 2 turbos and snapped 2 cambelts i refused on pay anymore cash on it, but in fairness i had it from 6 months old it had done 195,000 miles and was carrying a plastering machine around (probably about a ton in weight ) and wasnt really serviced that often, paid 2600 for the transit on a 51 plate with 75,000 miles on it
lwb diesel transit had it 6 years never let me down,R plate,110000,stillgoing strong cost me about £60 get it through its last mot ,have the oil changed every 6 months
Right lads looking to buy used ,New tome van ,what ye reckon on the VW crafter mwb ,the transporter is too small ,I'm struggling with my Nissan primastarsize wise
Don't get transporter t5 I've have thousands of pounds worth go wrong with mine since I've had it ....I got a nice shiney bmw aswell mint cars !
LT 2.8 engine,MWB . Had to spend some money on it, but well worth it .Doesnt look great but drives and stops like a sport car:RpS_thumbsup:.This year had the locks broken and thanks to the dead locks I survived:RpS_unsure:
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