What trowels are the best?

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New Member
I have just purchased a Marshalltown 13" pre-worn finishing trowel, Gonna use it for the first time tomorrow,

Just wondering what you guy's think is the best trowels, easiest to use etc
a think it just dedpends what feels right for you. the more experienced you get the bigger trowel u cud try but a wud stick with marshall town there decent trowels :D
yknow what? i bought exactly the same trowel a while back, did 1 set then gave it the labourer... a lot of people i know swear by em, best thing since tomato sauce etc but for some reason it killed my forearm...dunno if it was the handle shape or what??
i since bought a 14" ragni...cheap as chips, rattles a bit cos i think the bloody things only got 1/2 a rivet it it but it seems to work for me...my old 11" was a ragni, sharp as a razor and did me just fine...
i reckon it could have something to do with plastering style...
i use a 18 in marshalltown for layin on and flatten off ... a 14in tyzak for trowellin up.. i think marshalltown make a carbon steel trowel like the tyzak but not tried it .. marshalltowns seem to be thicker in the guage .. british steel , still the best
It's really just a matter of trying to get your hands on a few and trying them out. My first was a 14" ss m/t and I couldn't get on with it at all, then managed to get hold of a carbon tyzack 13", lovely trowel, already worn in so it produced a lovely finish from day 1.
You won't go far wrong with a Tyzack ;)
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