Weber pralM


New Member
Hi chaps
I’ve been asked to render the back of a house next week ,weathers not great prob going to be 7-2c .i know it’s prob to cold but it’s got to get done (I hate monocauche anyway because I’ve only used it a couple of times)

So my question is am I best laying it on in the afternoon getting built upto 15mm over 2 passes with mesh embedded taking my time to flatten off well and covered for the next morning

Or try get it laid on for about 11am hoping to scrape back around 3pm not sure how well it’s sets
Substrate is 7n concrete blocks that have prob taken a lot of water of past couple of months.

Any answers would greatly be appreciated because I’m just not experienced in this field I’ve only done traditional sand cement render.
I know from pasted experience I laid on in the morning in December (about same sort of temp as now ) straight onto brick, went back 6am the next morning and it seemed a little hard and ended up with a halo in one area
Was that because I didn’t do my second pass quick enough
Did one 2 weeks ago it was on by 12pm and left until 7 am the next morning, new blocks , no wind at all , cloudy , 5c tops that day and colder over night but not sub 0
If that helps
I know from pasted experience I laid on in the morning in December (about same sort of temp as now ) straight onto brick, went back 6am the next morning and it seemed a little hard and ended up with a halo in one area
Was that because I didn’t do my second pass quick enough
No the halo was because your first pass was proud.