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New Member
Hi Guys
I am going to skim my sisters bedroom. She has taken the wall paper off and it has plaster in good condition. Shall I use Wikes Bonding Agent and let it dry for 24 hours and do 2 coats of skimming, i.e skim on dry Wikes bonding agent. OR shall PVA and let it dry and put a 2nd coat of PVA and put on 2 coats plaster when the 2nd coat of PVA is tacky.

Do I need to put angle beads again around the window area and if so, should I use tacks or bonding plaster. WALL behind the old plaster is brick.
Me too and I'd normally use new beads. Attaching them varies. Nails, finish, no nails or you can even attach it with adhesive scrim tape! I'd always tape the bead too anyway.

dp :)
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