WBA on plasterboard?

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New Member
been to see a small job 2 day. guy has boarded out his small coni and has put wba all over the boards and even scrimed up, Mr DIY did well. bit pointless still ganna have 2 PVA it to seal it as its been there weeks
reali.. iv found before when i say done a whole house of artex ceilings iv spent day 1 prepping up so i used bond it on the ceilings, then the next day started skimmin, first 3-4 were fine but the older the bond it the more it sucked in. and found a wet pva on top helpd cure this..

anyone shed and light...
ok i see, mind you from now i when i use wba or bond it i give walls a week pva first then apply
oasis said:
been to see a small job 2 day. guy has boarded out his small coni and has put wba all over the boards and even scrimed up, Mr DIY did well. bit pointless still ganna have 2 PVA it to seal it as its been there weeks

sound like u would make a great team. lol
oasis said:
ok i see, mind you from now i when i use wba or bond it i give walls a week pva first then apply

This might not be the greatest idea as then you are relying on the bond between the PVA and the background which if it's suitable why would you be using the WBA in the first place?
i use it on like old dry plaster or artex ceilings prep the day before and steam in the next day with a spread and plaster with no prep
essexandy said:
oasis said:
ok i see, mind you from now i when i use wba or bond it i give walls a week pva first then apply

This might not be the greatest idea as then you are relying on the bond between the PVA and the background which if it's suitable why would you be using the WBA in the first place?

Agreed, no need for pva.The longer wba is left on the better the key. Just bang it on!
Just Skim it mate, if its a small conni like u say by the time uve f~cked around pva ing it u could have got 2-3 WALLS ON.
Now if is was the middle of August and gonna be 50 degrees C in there id give it a pissy coat of pva
The only time you'll probably run into problems with suction and wba is if you apply over a hardwall or bonding floated wall that's been left for a couple of weeks and is bone dry then don't use wba, give it loads of water!!
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