water presure switch on g4

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New Member
hi everybody happy new year to yous all,have a question hope someone can help me with,water presure switch on g4 has two arrows on it,what should these arrows be set at.
all the best,
there pre set mate and you have no need to touch them you need a tester to set them which sets them to when the machine should start and stop, whats your problem with the machine mate, i'l pm you my number feel free to give me a bell
just tried to send you a pm mate and it says your not allowed to send/recieve them, give me your number and i will ring you tomorrow (i got a G4 by the way), and i know a little bit about machines
know more then you fatty fat pants....who was it who phoned me up not so long back cos they jammed up their rotor and stator cos they sent dry material through it ...who is it who has phoned me up begging for just a small slice of my wise knowledge cos they know fook all hmmmm who was it fatty who was it ....you fat miserable dollop of dog shite
small slice of my wise knowledge.... :RpS_lol:

[FONT=arial,helvetica]The things we don't understand aren't always as mysterious as they seem. Often, people with specialised knowledge will deliberately obfuscate to create an air of authority. Sometimes, they don't do it on purpose - but simply because their talent is not in communication. Even when they are trying to say something simple, they make it sound complicated. This week, you can cut a path through a jungle of jargon if you persevere. A saving of money is the smallest advantage such an exercise will give you.[/FONT]

f'ck me, its a wormdrive in a tube...
remember when you were a kid, you didnt know what 'suck squeeze bang blow' meant?
its a bagged premixed powdered composite inserted into a worm drive in a tube, water added and forced down a pipe...
theres not a lot to learn really is there?
fair crack, i'd keep it to myself too, specially chargin upwards of 3grand for such a machine when i can buy a decent van for half that...
dont blame ya in the slightest, bandwagons still goin innit... good on ya..
tell him to take his finger out and poke himsel in the eye rich .. :RpS_laugh:
check that the red arrow is set at 1.9 and the green is set at 2.2 if you have problems with low water pressure lower the green arrow to 1.2
its like a vaccuuum i there innit. the machine comes on at 2.2 and switches off at 1.9. its kettling my douche bruv
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