Wasted days render !!

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JUst spent most of the day floating a 12 metre long wall by 3 metres rubbed up all nice and smooth, about to sponge it all when the heavens opened and down came torrential rain - Just spent the last hour sat in the van watching most of it all wash away off the wall and create pitted marks where it hadnt washed away

Any advice on how best to remedy an otherwise bloody good render ? Was going to go back tomorrow morning when the render was still green and try to cut out the damaged sections to a nice clean edge and then patch it up next week ??
Take my advice dont try to patch it, if its going to be painted take it off while its green and do again been there seen it done it ,matched in make good ..... it dont look good when painted.
a bet you feel like s*it,how disheartnings that,had the same last year just dashed front of semi,heavens opened just whatched it slide of,know how you feel mate,cant you tyrolene it or has it got to be smooth
Unfortunately needs to be plain face render in keeping with rest of the property - Its a block of 5 flats

Daft question, but if its still green tomorrow morning , might I still be able to rub up the pitted marks and perhaps use the semi dry render that is now on the floor to fill and rub up the bigger holes ??
Still green tommorow it will be .... but it will not rub back even with water trussssst me take it off and do it again while its still green , ive lost a couple of renders in my time and it never looks good the next day , if ou cant talk your way out of it do it again
Still green tommorow it will be .... but it will not rub back even with water trussssst me take it off and do it again while its still green , ive lost a couple of renders in my time and it never looks good the next day , if ou cant talk your way out of it  do it again
Sound advice, been there mate
Cheers folks , much appreciated - looks like I'll have to bite the bullet and do again - Whilst I am prepared to take the hit for a days wages and do again for free , customer should stump up for more sand and cement right ??
Just a thought mate if its not all knackered can you not cut it off up to where its alright, straight the height of the wall and butt a stop bead up to the cut to make it look like an expansion joint. if its all pitted and washed off do what church said its a redo im afraid
last couple of weeks terrible weather i've been on a re pointing job in and and of the garage ducking for cover most days...this week looks good though :)
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