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Hi all. Just after some advice if anyone has had this before. I render a house few years back with fassa ki7 then acrylic- then the dreadded peel off.(I’ve seen a lot of people getting. The same issues with this) I’m putting it right but the customers of the house have sold it and they told the new owners that im repairing the render, old owners want me to give the new owners a warranty. Is this correct? I thought the warranty is for the person who paid for the work. But I could be wrong. Any help?
What sort of question is that tell the old owners your going back to sort it out at no cost to them or the new owners I assume after 3 years aswell this has happened,the customer doesn’t have the right to tell you you should be giving warranty to the new customer grow some balls and tell them b*ll***s no there will be no warranty
No the warranty is with the person who paid the bill and is not transferable.

Regarding the peeling. I normally use the medium orange power float sponge...it leaves the surface a little rough and I've not had a problem but I've heard many that have some seem to be caused by damp getting behind the render.