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What the f*ck is a 1/4 acre of dust of use to anyone? :endesacuerdo:

Your missing the point...

If hypothetically.......... 7 billion people could fit into Texas alone and this leaves every other country (195 of them) on the planet empty.......

Please explain how the planet is over crowded?
Agree with everything else, but I think over population right now could be a myth.

Once I learnt you can fit the entire world's population into Texas it threw up a few questions.

7 billion people could live in Australia and every one would have 1/4 of an acre.

Right now I don't think it's a problem, if the population doubles in size by 2040 it's going to be a major problem
If the ******* have anything to do with it then that could be a fact. c**ts
Your missing the point...

If hypothetically.......... 7 billion people could fit into Texas alone and this leaves every other country (195 of them) on the planet empty.......

Please explain how the planet is over crowded?
Shoulder to shoulder obviously but it isn’t just the numbers. We’re struggling to feed the world. Mass unhealthy processed food, land being turned into dust with aggressive farming, water shortages. Population growth can’t be sustained.