Universal board finish from knauf??

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Just about to start a contract skimming soundproof studios, plaster is already purchased by company Universal Board Finish by Knauf (white finish) Any you guys tried this finish?? Any good? I have always used gypsum multi or board

Hell Mate
Its not crap at all, come on its German since when does crap and German figure in the same sentence, most people just dont know how to use it, firstly you need to mix it slightly different,mix up as normal then leave to stand for 5 min, during this time it will go alittle runny so after 5 min add some more gear and another quick mix and your ready to go, secondly you need to do a proper 2 coat method i.e. apply first coat leave to pick up then give it a trowel then apply 2nd coat from fresh mix, then again leave to pick up and flatten then crack on as normal, thirdly it takes ages to go off so dont get on it too soon, once you get the hang of it you will love it, it dries really nice (consistant off white colour), if it was easy to get I would use it alot more
I used it about 15 years ago and it took some getting used to, if I remember right it does take a bit to go off like johnathon said..... but it did look good when it was dry:RpS_thumbup:
Hell Mate
Its not crap at all, come on its German since when does crap and German figure in the same sentence, most people just dont know how to use it, firstly you need to mix it slightly different,mix up as normal then leave to stand for 5 min, during this time it will go alittle runny so after 5 min add some more gear and another quick mix and your ready to go, secondly you need to do a proper 2 coat method i.e. apply first coat leave to pick up then give it a trowel then apply 2nd coat from fresh mix, then again leave to pick up and flatten then crack on as normal, thirdly it takes ages to go off so dont get on it too soon, once you get the hang of it you will love it, it dries really nice (consistant off white colour), if it was easy to get I would use it alot more

Himmler nuff said LOL LOL
used it on barrets homes its crap to use we had rep out & he said the same not as good as bg dident like usein it untill an old boy told me 2 put some stuffin & then it was like spreadin cream
its good gear lads just get it on flatten it leave it longer than bg. trowel not to much water by the way cos it will go back on you . then one more trowel job done with no tiger stripes . dead easy
Used it years ago on a big store just off sloane square. Absolutley loved it,very forgiving. Get loads on and like kevmc said flatten second coat then minimal water. One more trowel and done. On this job though the architect wanted it highly polished as was not getting painted just some sort of impregnator/sealer. He liked the way it looked!! Div! It polished well too. Not designed to close it in that much though,should be a matt finnish. Like above if i could get hold of it more easily i would use it more. About 10/11 years ago knauf done there research about marketing the stuff better and one of the points that come back off older spreads was they were set in there ways using pink BG finish,so knauf actually rebranded it calling it PINK. Dont think that lasted to long cos havent seen any about.
I think contractor bought from Knauf directly as they also use there acoustic boards. start using it on monday. hopefully coats well
i used it about 15 years ago was slow to set as above u cant use much water but u can put a lot more on and as i remeber it had a funny smell
So just fire the plaster on as usual 2coats, close in, then rub with minimal water, then usual dry rub!? Was on site today about 1800sqm to coat with this gear out in Libya.
M8 of mine used it recently and said you get about 20 mins extra on it to finish...but more expensive per bag...20 mins is a fair amount of time though could get an extra wall etc done. Haven't tried it myself yet though.
Used it last 2days straight onto boards. Stuffs very good. closes in well, and leaves a nice matt white finish. A wouldnt personally pay the price per bag think its 11quid on Knauf website but it is nice stuff. will enjoy using it for next 6wks
You be alright mate. Is that stuff you use a sponge on. Crack on and it's another feather in your cap when done.
never used a sponge on it? have you tryed that before? just do normal 2coats, flatten, slighty wet rub, then final dry rub. its good to use but board finish is alot less work for same finish to be honest. nice finish tho
hi we do a pretty s**t job we use knauf one coat plaster on palsterboard cos they been done wrong and then skimming with knauf board finish.but it peels off very easy and does not bonds well.anyone knows somthing about it.i think borad finish is not ment to be used on backing coat
hi we do a pretty s**t job we use knauf one coat plaster on palsterboard cos they been done wrong and then skimming with knauf board finish.but it peels off very easy and does not bonds well.anyone knows somthing about it.i think borad finish is not ment to be used on backing coat
Fcuk off
local jewsons was selling loads of this stuff to day 2.50 a bag thought bargin till noticed 3 months out of date lol
hi we do a pretty s**t job we use knauf one coat plaster on palsterboard cos they been done wrong and then skimming with knauf board finish.but it peels off very easy and does not bonds well.anyone knows somthing about it.i think borad finish is not ment to be used on backing coat
Total wind up this one....again
i ment all project is s**t not ours plastering because we should not normally use backing coat on plasterboards but we have to do it here and whats happens is finish coat does not bond as strong as bg plasters.
Its s**t but so is bg finish theres been more problems with bg finish in the past 2 years than in the past 17 years
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